Saturday, December 17, 2011

Invitatory for Divine Praises

G. Lord, open our lips.

E. And let your Will pray in us and praise.

Ant. Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

Everyone, let us praise God who is One in Three,
let us bless him, from whom every good thing comes.
Let us fuse ourselves in him to worship him,
love him and glorify him;
and our spirits will be overjoyed in his Fiat. (ant.)

Holy is His Will, and His love flows everywhere.
All creation is enclosed within his heart,
where all generations are in act as well.
Everything receives life from his Fiat,
and by his love it is all bound together. (ant.)

Jesus, Mary and Luisa, all you angels and saints,
and creatures too:
let us worship his supreme Majesty,
humbly before him in the Divine Will.
We have come from his heart,
and it's upon the wings of his Fiat
that we must return. (ant.)

Listen to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit today;
and pronounce your yes together with Mary
most holy.
Do not harden your heart because Jesus is burning with love. (ant.)

For six thousand years now, our Will is consumed by love,
because it wants to reign in every heart.
Open the doors to the Divine Will, so that it can reign on earth
as it does in heaven. (ant.)

Glory be to the Father... (ant.)

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