Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 3 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Trinity


How beautiful it is to see in every twinkling of the stars, in every drop of sunlight, your glory, your love, your profound adoration, joined with mine!

Oh, how it runs, how it flies on the wings of the wind, filling the entire atmosphere. It travels over the waters of the sea, it multiplies itself in every movement!

It is a voice that echoes over everything, saying: Love, glory and adoration to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier. Amen

Ant. 1 Whoever lives in my Will must rise so high as to live in the bosom of the Most Holy Trinity.

Psalm 1
Do you know what our Divine Life consists of? We intensely enjoy bringing forth from ourselves new images of ourselves.

We are in the continuous act of forming our images, so that heaven and earth are filled with them. Their shadows flow everywhere.

Our image is the sun, and its light is the shadow of ours, which overshadows all the earth.

Our image is the sky, with its boundless extension, symbol of our immensity.

Our image is man, who carries within himself our power, wisdom and love.

So, we do nothing other than continuously produce our images, which are to our likeness.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 1

Ant. 2 It is necessary for you to live in us to make the first copy of the soul that lives in our Will.

Psalm 2
Whoever is to live in our Will, living in our bosom, must make togehter with us numerous other copies of ourselves.

He must be togehter with us in our work; he must bring from himself copies and shadows of us, to fill up all of heaven and earth with them.

When we created the first man, we formed him with our hands, and breathing into him, we gave him life. Having made the first, all the others originate from the first and are copies of him. Our power, flowing in all generations, repeats the copies.

Now, having established you the newborn daughter of our Will, it is necessary that you live with us so that we can form the first copy of the soul that lives in our Will.

This way, as you live in us, you will receive our attitude, and learn with our power to operate the way we do.

And when we will have made of you the first copy of the soul that lives in our Will, then the other copies will follow.

The road of our Will is very long; it embraces all eternity. And while it seems like you have covered it all, there remains much to do and to receive from us, to learn our ways and to form the first copy of the suol that lives in our Will.

It is the greates work that we must give you; and you ought to dispose yourself as much as you can, to let you receive it. This work is so dear to my heart that I would leave everything else aside to obtain my purpose. So be attentive and faithful.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 2

Ant. 3 All human acts must be transformed into divine acts.

Psalm 3
All human acts, according to the purpose of creation, were to have life in my Will

and there form their plan, of all human acts changed into divine acts, bearing the seal of the supreme nobility, holiness and wisdom.

It was not our Will that man go outside of us, but that he lives with us, growing in our likeness and working with our very own ways.

This is why I wanted all his acts to be done in my Will; to give him the place to be able to form his little river in the immense sea of my Will.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 3

"My Eternal Love would not have been content if I had not raised up one from the common stock of creatures - one who was to open the doors to whoever would dispose himself to go through them to live in our Will. This is the reason for all my manifestations, the numerous values and effects which I have made known to you about my Will. They will be powerful magnets to draw you, and then others, to live in it."

G. I give you all that I have done, *because I want your exchange.

E. I give you all that I have done, *because I want your exchange.

G. Do not oppose my Will.

E. *because I want your exchange for it.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. I give you all that I have done, *because I want your exchange.

Ant. of Thankgiving I usually cover my greatest works with the most ordinary things.


Ant. of Thanksgiving

+ Holy Father, breathe into our souls again, that divine breth which you breathed into us at the beginning of creation, so that we may recover your likeness, lost through original sin: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ May our little fiat be the echo of your divine Fiat that flows in all of creation: Come...

+ Grant that we may always fuse ourselves in your Divine Will as you want us to: Come...

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them all its goods: Come...


Oh Father, from the beginning of creation you wanted to make the first copy of a soul that would live in your Will. So, you yourself dispose our souls so that we will let ourselves be molded by you. Then you will be able to make us into perfect copies that live entirely in your most holy Will.
Through Christ our Lord.

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