Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week 2 - Morning Prayer - Day of Mary Most Holy


O gentlest Jesus, we want to attest our love to you,
our gratitude, our thankfulness.
We ant to do everything that the creature is obligated
to do for having created our Immaculate Mother and Queen!

The most beautiful, the most holy creature,
the masterpiece of creation and of redemption,
the greatest wonder of your grace,
enriched with the gift of your Will,
Queen and Mother of the Kingdom of you Will!

In the name of all creatures -
past, present and future -
in every act of the creature,
in every thought, word and step, in everything,
in your most holy Will we love you, we thank you,
we bless you and we adore you for all that you have done
in your heavenly mother and ours! Amen

Ant. 1 True love purifies everything, triumphs over everything and reaches everything.

Psalm 1
True love makes all things easy, it shuts out every doubt, every fear,
and uses all its art to take possession of the Person it loves.

And when it has taken possession of it, love itself provides the means
to keep the object acquired. Now what fear, what doubt could the soul
have about something its own? Is there anything it can't hope for?

What is more, when it has taken possession, love becomes daring and goes so far
as to expect what is excessive and even the incredible. "Yours" and "mine" does
not exist anymore.

Ture love can say: I am yours, and you are mine; so, we are at each other's
disposal, we can make each other happy and enjoy one another. If I have gotten possession of you, one could say to the other, I want to do with you as I please.

And how can the soul, in this state of true love, go fishing for defects,
miseries and weaknesses, if the object acquired has condoned everything,
enriches the sould with everything, and the object that is possesses is
continually purifying the soul?

These are the three virtues of true love; to purify everything, to triump over
everything and to reach everything. In fact, what kind of love could there be
for a person you are afraid of, whom you doubt, and from whom you do not hope
for everything? Love would lose its most beautiful quality.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 1

Ant. 2 Oh, if creatures only understood what good they receive just by saying to me, I love you!

Psalm 2
When I was taking milk from the breast of my dearest mother,
together with the milk I took the love of her heart;
and it was more love that I took than milk.

While I was nursing - because I heard her say to me,
I love you, I love you, oh Son! -
I repeated to her,
I love you, I love you, oh Mother!

Nor wsa I alone in this, because to my, I love you, the Father and the Holy Spirit replied, I love you, oh Mother of my Son! said the Father;
I love you, my Immaculate Spouse! said the Holy Spirit.

All of creation, the angel, the saints, the sun, the drops of water, the plants,
the flowers, all the elements ran to be near my I love you and replied,
I love you, oh Mother of God, in the love of our Creator!

My mother saw all this and was overwhelmed by it. She could not find even a little space where she did not hear me say that I loved her. Her love was left behind mine and almost alone; and she repeated, I love you, I love you, but she could never keep up with mine;

because the love of the creature has its limits and its time;
my love is uncreated, unending and eternal.

The same thing happens to every soul when it says to me, I love you:
I also repeat I love you; and with me is all of creation to love it in my love.

Oh, if creatures only understood what good, what honor they come by just by saying to me, I love you! It would be enough to know only this: that a God by their side honors them with his reply, I love you.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 2

Ant. 3 There is no holiness if the soul is not all consumed in my love.

Psalm 3
Love acted powerfully in my mother: love consumed her entirely in me, in my wounds, in my blood, in my very death, and it made her die in my love.

My love, consuming her love and all my mother, made her rise to new love, that is,
all in my love. So, her love made her die, and my love made her rise to a divine life.

So, there is no holiness if the sould does not die in me;
there is not true life if one is not all consumed in my love.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 3

"My child, it is impossible for me not to love the soul that loves me. Truly, I feel so drawn to this soul, that at the littlest act of love that it offers me, I respond with tripled love, and I put in its heart a divine vein that provides it with divine science. And the more the sould loves me, the more this divine vein rises; and watering all the powers of the soul, it diffuses for the good of all creatures."

G. The soul, according to how much it fills itself with me, *forms its paradise on earth.

E. The soul, according to how much it fills itself with me, *forms its paradise on earth.

G. The more the soul fuses itself in me, the more I fuse myself in the soul.

E. * It forms its paradise on earth.

G. Glory be the the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. The soul, according to how much it fills itself with me, *forms its paradise on earth.

Ant. of Thanksgiving The soul, living in my Will, will find all the love it needs in order to satisfy for the love of everyone.


Ant. of Thanksgiving The soul, living in my Will, will find all the love it needs in order to satisfy for the love of everyone.

+ Lord, by the intercession of your most holy and Immaculate Mother, we ask you to let us take possession of her great inheritance that she left us as a gift:
Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ May we make all her life, her sorrows and her prayers ours, so that we can live as she did on earth: Come...

+ Manifest to everyone the excesses of your love that you worked in Mary, both for us and for your immense glory: Come...

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them its evey good: Come...


Oh Lord our God, in the greatest excess of your love, you wanted to create your heavenly mother and ours, filling her with every good by means of the gift of your Will. Grant us by her matrenal intercession never to separate from her heart so that we can always live by her own life, the life of the Divine Will.
Through Christ our Lord.

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