Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 4 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Angels


HYMN Vol. XVIII, December 25, 1925

Oh, how the gift of living
in the Kingdom of your Will
is to possess the greatest gift of all!

Its value is infinite;
it is money that multiplies at every instant,
it is light that never goes out!

It is sun that never sets,
which puts the soul
in the place established for it by God!

It puts the creature in the divine order
and makes it take its place
of honor and of sovereignty in creation! Amen.

Ant. 1 The gift of my Will must have supremacy over everything in the soul.

Psalm 1 Vol. XVIII, December 25, 1925

My daughter, it is true that the living in my Will is a gift,
and that it means to possess the greatest gift.
But this gift which is of infinite value
is not given but to someone who is disposed,
to someone who won’t waste it,
to someone who will esteem it
and love it more than his own life,

even being ready to sacrifice his own life,
so that this gift of my Will
will have the supremacy over everything
and be esteemed more than life itself,
considering his life as nothing before it.

Therefore, first I want to see that the soul
truly wants to do my Will and never its own,
ready to make any sacrifice in order to do mine.

In all that it does,
I want to see that it always asks me,
even on loan, for the gift of my Will.

Then, when I see that it doesn’t do anything
except with the loan of my Will,
I give it to the soul as a gift,
because by asking for it over and over
it has formed the space in itself
to put this heavenly gift.

And having become accustomed to living
on the loan of this divine food,
the soul has lost the taste for its own will.
Its palate has been ennobled,
and it won’t put up with the vile foods of its own ego.

Then, seeing itself in possession of that gift,
for which it sighed, and longed, and loved so much,
it will live by the life of that gift,
loving it and giving it the esteem that it merits.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 The gift of my Will must have supremacy over everything in the soul.

Ant. 2 Disposition and knowledge of the gift are necessary in order to receive it.

Psalm 2 Vol. XVIII, December 25, 1925

Wouldn’t you blame a man,
who, taken by an immature affection toward a child,
gives him a thousand dollar bill,
just so he would be around him
awhile, playing together,
and the child, not knowing its value,
tears it to pieces a few minutes later?

If, instead, he were to first make him desire it,
then know the value of it, after that,
the good the thousand dollar bill can do him,
and lastly give it to him,
that child wouldn’t tear it up.

He would go and put it under lock and key,
appreciate the gift, and love the giver more.
And you would praise that man
who was clever enough to make the child
know the value of the money.

If man does this, I do much more,
for I give my gifts
with wisdom, and with justice, and true love.

This is why it is necessary to have the dispositions,
the knowledge of the gift,
the esteem and appreciation for it,
and to love the gift itself.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 Disposition and knowledge of the gift are necessary in order to receive it.

Ant. 3 Until now, who has knowingly asked for the Kingdom of the Divine Will to reign on earth as it does in heaven?

Psalm 3 Vol. XIX, September 13, 1926

My child, my Supreme Being
possesses perfect equilibrium,
even when it gives creatures my graces, my gifts,
and especially this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat,
which is the greatest gift,
which I gave at the beginning of the creation,
which man so ungratefully rejected from me.

Does it seem a small thing to you
that I put at its disposal
a Divine Will with every good that it contains?
And not for an hour, or a day, but for all its life?

Is it nothing, that the Creator
deposit his adorable Will in the creature,
in order to share
his likeness, his beauty, his infinite oceans of riches,
of joys, of unending happiness?

Well, who has ever prayed until now with interest,
with insistence, sacrificing his own life
so that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat
might come on earth
and triumph and dominate? No one.

It is true that since I came on earth,
the Church recites the Our Father,
in which they ask that my kingdom come
so that my Will may be done on earth
as it is in heaven.

But who thinks about what they are asking for?
It can be said that all the importance
of such a request
remained in my Will,
and that creatures recite it just to recite it,
without understanding and without any interest
in obtaining what they are asking for.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 3 Until now, who has knowingly asked for the Kingdom of the Divine Will to reign on earth as it does in heaven?

SHORT READING Vol. XVIII, December 25, 1925

“Knowledge prepares the way. Knowledge is like the contract that I want to make, of the gift of the Divine Will that I want to give. And the more knowledge I send to the soul, the more it is stimulated to desire the gift and to urge the divine writer to put his final signature on it, certifying that the gift is his and he possesses it. So then, the sign that I want to give this gift of my Will in these times, is the knowledge of it. So, be attentive, and don’t let any of the manifestations about my Will escape you, if you want me to put the final signature on the gift that I long to give to creatures.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XIX, February 28, 1926

G. It is right for whoever is born into my Will, * to know the secrets that it

E. It is right for whoever is born into my Will, to know the secrets that it

G. Our Will makes you always more beautiful, more holy,

E. *to know the secrets that it contains.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. It is right for whoever is born into my Will, to know the secrets that it

Ant. of Thanksgiving What an immense distance there is between someone who does my Will, and those who possess it: it’s the same as the distance between innocent Adam, and Adam after sinning. (Vol. XVIII, December 20, 1925)


Ant. of Thanksgiving What an immense distance there is between someone who does my Will, and those who possess it: it’s the same as the distance between innocent Adam, and Adam after sinning.

+ O Jesus, grant us the grace to do nothing without first asking your Will to work in us: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ Make us love your Will more than our own life: Come …

+ So that all of humanity can soon possess the gift of the Divine Will: Come…

+ Make the triumph of your Will extend over all the earth: Come ….

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them its every good: Come …



Lord, God, with your infinite power, transform our souls and dispose them to receive the fullness of the gift of your Will, so that you may receive all the glory that you wanted to receive from us since the creation of the world. Grant this through Christ our Lord.

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