Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 1 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Eucharist


Vol. II, August 19, 1899

Oh holy hope,
how I admire you;
blessed is he who possesses you!

Noble traveler,
you are off to take possession
of your immense wealth.

Some make fun of you and insult you,
others strip you and beat you,
even wanting to kill you.

But you are always more calm than before,
enjoying the greatest peace,
sleeping in the lap of your longed-for God.

Yes, the hope of the eternal goods
already has you possessing God
even in this life. Amen.

Ant. 1 To make man happy when he was suffering, I offered him the gifts of faith, hope and charity.

Psalm 1 Vol. II, August 19, 1899

This is where I want you to occupy your soul:
first fly upon the wings of faith
and cast yourself in to that light.
There, you will come to know and acquire
ever more knowledge of me, your God.

But, by coming to know more about me,
your nothingness will feel sort of scattered,
and you won’t have anything to support you.

So, rise up even higher,
and throw yourself into
the immense ocean of hope,

which are all the merits that I acquired
during my mortal life,
and all the pains of my passion,
that I gave to man as well.

This is the only way you can hope
to obtain the immense goods of faith,
because there is no other means to acquire them.

So, if you make use of my merits,
as if they were your own,
you won’t feel lost in your nothingness any more,
or cast down into its depths.

You will receive new life,
and you will become so beautiful and wealthy
that you will draw God’s gazes upon you.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. 1 To make man happy when he was suffering, I offered him the gifts of faith, hope and charity.

Ant. 2 Whoever truly hopes, obtains everything.

Psalm 2 Vol. II, August 19, 1899

Don’t be timid anymore;
hope gives such courage and strength to the soul,
that it makes it stable as a column
exposed to every kind of weather,
which are the various sufferings of life.

Hope makes the soul not only plunge itself
into the immense riches of faith without fear,
but it makes it become the owner of them all;
until it makes God himself its own.

Yes, hope lets the soul go
where it wants to.
Hope is the door to heaven.
Only hope opens it,
because whoever truly hopes, obtains everything.

So, the soul that has made God its very own,
without any obstacle,
will find itself immediately
in the immense ocean of charity.

And bringing along both faith and hope,
it will immerse itself in it
and become one with me, its God.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. 2 Whoever truly hopes, obtains everything.

Ant. 3 Hope is the peace-making mother that puts everything at peace!

Psalm 3 Vol. II, August 19, 1899

If faith is king,
and charity is queen,
then hope is the peace-making mother
that puts everything at peace!

Because with faith and charity there can be difficulties;
but being the bond of peace,
hope puts everything at peace.

And then when the soul is elevated by faith,
to see the beauty, the sanctity
and the love with which it is loved by God,
the soul feels drawn to love him.

But seeing how much it lacks,
how little it does for God,
how it should love him and doesn’t,
it feels discouraged and troubled,
and almost doesn’t even dare to approach God.

Then, this pacifying mother comes forth quickly,
and placing herself between faith and charity,
begins to exercise her office of peace-maker.

Putting the soul at peace again,
she picks it up, helps it along, gives it new strength,
and takes it before the king of faith,
and the queen of charity.

She gives her excuses for it,
and places before the soul a new stream
of her own merits
and asks them to please accept it.

Then faith and charity,
seeing only this peace-making mother
so tender and compassionate,
receive the soul.
And God becomes the delight of the soul,
and the soul becomes God’s delight.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. 3 Hope is the peace-making mother that puts everything at peace!

SHORT READING Vol. V, June 16, 1903

“The sun benefits everyone, but not everyone enjoys its beneficial effects. So it is with the divine sun that gives its light to everyone. But who enjoys its beneficial effects? Whoever keeps his eyes open to the light of the truth. Most remain in the dark even though the sun is shining; only whoever is entirely intent on pleasing me receives and enjoys the fullness of this sun.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. VI, March 16, 1904

G. The truly resigned soul doesn’t fantasize *and it doesn’t examine every
little thing.

E. The truly resigned soul doesn’t fantasize *and it doesn’t examine every
little thing.

G. It just silently adores whatever God has disposed;

E. *it doesn’t examine every little thing.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. The truly resigned soul doesn’t fantasize, and *it doesn’t examine every
little thing.

Ant. of Thanksgiving Heavenly mother, empty us of everything so that you can hide us in the Will of God. (Queen of Heaven, 14th Medit.)


Ant. of Thanksgiving
Heavenly mother, empty us of everything so that you
can hide us in the Will of God.

+ Lord, infuse in us the fullness of faith, hope and charity so that we can always live in your Will: Divine Will, come reign in us!

+ Infuse in us the faith of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that we can posses you just as she does: Divine…

+ Infuse in us the hope of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that we can want you just as she does: Divine…

+ Infuse in us the love of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that we can love you just as she does: Divine…

+ May we receive every circumstance of our lives in the fullness of your Divine Will: Divine…

+ May we consume our wills in the unity of the light of your most holy Will: Divine…

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them all its goods: Divine…



Lord, in your infinite goodness and mercy, you wanted to give yourself to us in the most holy Eucharist; grant us such a fullness of life in your Will that our life may be one with yours, so much so that you can’t tell them apart.
You, who live and reign forever and ever.

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