Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 4 - Night Prayer - Day of St. Joseph

G. O God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father…..

HYMN Vol. XXXVI, May 17, 1938

Wasn’t it upon nothingness
that we formed the wonders
and the enchantment of all creation?

Wasn’t it upon nothingness
that we formed so many harmonies,
and even our image that resembles us,
in the creation of man?

Oh, we don’t consider whether the creature’s act
is natural or spiritual, great or small;
but we are careful to see if everything is ours!

We want to see if our Will
has made its sun of light, holiness, beauty
and love rise in the creature!

We use even its smallest acts
to form our most prodigious wonders! Amen.

Ant. Whoever lives continuously in the Divine Will finds himself under a shower of the purest, unending light.

Psalm Vol. XXXV, March 28, 1938

Whoever does his acts in our Will
does complete and perfect acts.
But whoever lives continuously in it,
finds himself under a continual shower of light
which rains upon him all the effects
and the various beauties of our divine life
as he moves, breathes, and as his heart beats.

Our Divine Being is purest light,
and though it is unending light
it contains every possible and imaginable good.

While it is light, it is word;
it is all eyes, looking everywhere.
There is nothing that can hide from us.

This light is work, it is step,
it is life that gives life to everything and to everyone.
It contains beauties that never fade,
joys and happiness without end.

Whoever lives continuously in our Divine Will
finds himself under the shower of light
of our dominant and creative word.

Oh, how our word transforms the creature,
always speaking to it about our supreme being
and producing all our divine effects in it
with such variety and beauty
that we ourselves are enraptured.

So, whoever lives in our Will
is always in direct communication with his Creator,
and receives all the effects that a God can produce.
But whoever acts in our Will
is in communication with our acts,
and his acts are modeled by our acts.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. Whoever lives continuously in the Divine Will finds himself under a shower of the purest, unending light.

SHORT READING Vol. XXXVI, May 17, 1938

“My daughter, if the creature were to give us only what is spiritual, it would have little to give us. But by giving us even its little natural acts, it can always give to us. The union between the creature and us is never broken, and the relations between us are continual. Especially since natural things are always at hand, within reach of young and old, the ignorant and the learned. To breathe, to move, to take care of personal things is available to everyone, and they are on-going things. And when they are done out of love for me, to form the life of the Divine Will in them, this is our triumph, our victory and the purpose for which we created the creature.”


G. See then, how easy it is to live in our Will? *You don’t have to do
anything new, but just what you are already doing.

E. See then, how easy it is to live in our Will? *You don’t have to do
anything new, but just what you are already doing.

G. In other words, unfold your life in our Will, as we have given it to you.

E. *You don’t have to do anything new, but just what you are already

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. See then, how easy it is to live in our Will? *You don’t have to do
anything new, but just what you are already doing.

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed.

Canticle (Spiritual testament of Luisa)

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed.

O Lord, immersed in our nothingness, we pray you to pronounce your all-powerful Fiat over our souls so that it will spread out the new heavens and new earth of your Supreme Will.
Through Christ our Lord.

May the Lord put an end to the night of the human will, and let us rest in the Divine. Amen.

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