Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 4 - Evening Prayer - Day of Mary Most Holy

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

HYMN Vol. XXXV, December 24, 1936

Thank you, Lord, for having given us your mother,
for your almighty power with which
you called from nothingness such a holy creature,
for the divine life you grafted into her!

For your divine Fiat that descended upon her seed,
and for that indissoluble union she had with you,
for the divine fruitfulness you shared with her,
enabling her to miraculously conceive you!

For having made of her a wonder of grace and of love,
for having broken all the barriers
that existed between God and man,
bringing them together again!

Thank you, Lord, for generating your mother
in each of us and for having shown
such extraordinary favor
toward your ungrateful creatures!

And for that fullness of your divine Fiat,
with which she was able to generate you as her son,
give birth to you, make you grow and form your life
in each of her children! Amen.

Ant.1 If I had wanted to pay attention to the evils of man, I would not have been able to demonstrate the fullness of my love.

Psalm 1 – Vol. XXXV, December 25, 1937

If I had taken into account the human ingratitude
toward my immense love, I would have taken the road to return to heaven.
And so I would have saddened and embittered
my love, and changed the feast into mourning.

So, do you want to know what I do in my greatest works
to make them more beautiful?
With splendor and with the greatest
display of my love I put all this aside.

Despite the human ingratitude, sins,
miseries, weaknesses,
I carry out my greatest works,
as if these things didn’t exist.

If I had wanted to pay attention to man’s evils,
I would not have been able to perform great works,
nor demonstrate all my love.
I would have been impeded, suffocated in my love.

Instead, to be free in my works
and to make them as beautiful as I can,
I put everything aside.
If I have to, I cover everything with my love
in such a way that I can only see my love and my Will.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant.1 If I had wanted to pay attention to the evils of man, I would not have been able to demonstrate the fullness of my love.

Ant. 2 If the creature doesn’t recognize us, then love can’t arise.

Psalm 2 – Vol. XXXV, April 10, 1938

My daughter, this is why in our love
we feel an extreme desire for the creature
to know us and to know our works.

If they don’t know us, we remain as if isolated from them,
while living both inside and outside of them.
And while we are aware of what they do and think,
loving them in each of their acts,
not only don’t they love us,
but they don’t even recognize us.

What sorrow! If they don’t recognize us,
then love doesn’t arise;
and if love is missing, we have nowhere to rest our works.
Nor does our love find a refuge
where it can vent itself and take shelter;
everything remains as if suspended.

So, we want to find the creature’s I love you,
in our works.
Strengthening it with our power,
we can rest our greatest works there.
Oh, how happy we are to find
its little I love you
as the support for our works.

To work and not have a place to rest our works
is a sorrow for us.
It seems like we are lacking the life of our love.
Our operating love is repressed, suffocated.
To be able to act, but not act – and
only because the ungrateful creature
neither recognizes us, nor loves us….

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 If the creature doesn’t recognize us, then love can’t arise.

Ant. 3 The heavenly Queen gave her own children the inheritance of the Divine Will, which was lost through original sin.

Psalm 3 Vol. XXXVI, December 28, 1938

You know that Adam, because of the sin he committed,
having left the beautiful inheritance of the Divine Will
in which he lived and in which everything was
riches, grandeur, and splendor,
made the human generations inherit all evils.
So, he lost the right to possess our every good
for himself and for his descendants.

These treasures of ours, however, were not destroyed.
And as long as a good exists,
there is always the certainty that sooner or later
there will be someone who will have the fortune
of possessing it.

Unlike all other human creatures,
the great Queen began her own life
in the inheritance of the Divine Will.

In compensation, she received from the Creator
such an abundance of riches
that she felt overwhelmed,
and capable of making all mankind happy and rich.

In this superabundant inheritance,
she acquired fruitfulness,
human and divine maternity;
and she inherited the Word of the heavenly Father,
as well as all human generations.

So, as a mother, she has the right to generate
her children who are already heirs, in her maternal heart.

But this was not enough for our love, nor for hers,
and she wanted to generate herself
and the divine Word in each creature.

As Adam, by sinning, had transmitted
the sad inheritance of all evils,
passions and weaknesses to his descendants,

similarly, the heavenly Queen,
by means of her own life lived in the Divine Will,
was able to bestow on her own children
the right to inherit all her innumerable treasures.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 3 The heavenly Queen gave her own children the inheritance of the Divine Will, which was lost through original sin.

SHORT READING Vol. XXXV, February 4, 1934

“My child, what better stratagem could our paternal goodness have devised, to display the infinite love we have for all men, not excluding those who would have offended us? We elected a creature from their own race. In order to be able to love them, we make her most beautiful. And to give them the most affectionate of mothers, we hid our own love in her.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XXXV, February 4, 1934

G. In this heavenly Queen, * all men can find our hidden love.

E. In this heavenly Queen, all men can find our hidden love.

G. They can make us love them boundlessly in her maternal heart.

E. They can find our hidden love.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. In this heavenly Queen, all men can find our hidden love.

Ant. of Praise Our divine paternity communicated the divine maternity to the heavenly Queen so that she would be able to love all men as her own children. (Vol. XXXV, February 4, 1934)


Ant. of Praise Our divine paternity communicated the divine maternity to the heavenly Queen so that she would be able to love all men as her own children.

+ O Lord, help us to recognize the immense inheritance our Blessed Mother has left us as a gift: Come Divine Will, come and reign in us!

+ May she cover all our miseries with her mantle and make us always live in your Will: Come…

+ May her Immaculate Heart always be our only refuge: Come…

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Come…


Holy Father, through the intercession of our Blessed Mother, grant us to take possession of the gift of your Will, which she obtained for us as an inheritance by always living in it herself, and so abolish the ancient inheritance of original sin.
Through Christ our Lord.

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