Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week 2 - Evening Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Trinity

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

HYMN Vol. X, November 28, 1910

Only and always with Jesus,
and in Jesus will I always live.
I will sink into his heart
and with Jesus and with his heart,
love, love I will love you!

Only of love do I want to speak,
only love do I want to see,
only love do I want to hear,
always of love do I want to think!

Only with love do I want to burn,
only by love do I want to consume myself,
only love do I want to enjoy,
only love do I want to please!

Only by love do I want to live,
and in love do I want to die!
In every instant, in every hour,
I want to call everyone to love!

To the Father, to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit, Love,
be glory, honor and love,
in their most holy Will! Amen.

Ant. 1 Love is the flame; sacrifices, the wood to increase the fire of love.

Psalm 1 Vol. VIII, October 29, 1907

What is sacrifice?
It is to consume oneself
in the love and in the being
of the person loved.

The more one sacrifices himself,
the more he is consumed in the being he loves,
losing his own being,
and recovering all the features
and the nobility of the divine being.

It is the same in the natural world:
of two servants,
which of them can hope
to sit at his master’s table?

The faithful servant
who sacrifices himself,
laying down his own life,
and for love of his master,
cares more for his master’s interests
than for his own?

Or that servant who, although he does his duty,
when he can escape sacrifices, he does?
Certainly, the first.

So then, love ennobles, unites and forms unity there.
The sacrifices are the wood
to increase the fire of love;
and obedience puts everything in order.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 Love is the flame; sacrifices, the wood to increase the fire of love.

Ant. 2 The more the creature reduces itself to nothing, the more it is filled with the Everything.

Psalm 2 Vol. VIII, November 18, 1907

My dear life, - says the soul –
how bad I have become;
I feel myself reduced to nothing,
I don’t feel anything in me,
everything is empty.

My child, - Jesus responds –
do you feel yourself reduced to nothing?
Be glad! What is more, I tell you:
the more the creature reduces itself to nothing
the more it is filled with the All.

But if it leaves even a shadow of itself,
that shadow keeps me from giving
myself entirely to the soul.

So, your continual return into your nothingness
means that you lose your human being
to recover the divine.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 The more the creature reduces itself to nothing, the more it is filled with the Everything.

Ant. 3 What must be most dear to your heart is the complete undoing of your will in mine.

Psalm 3 Vol. VIII, April 8, 1908

My child, I don’t want anything
to trouble you,
not even being unable
to always receive me in Communion.

It is true that to receive Communion
is something great;
but how long does this intimate union
with the soul last?
At the most, a quarter of an hour.

What must be most dear to your heart
is the complete undoing
of your will in mine.

Whoever lives in intimate union with my Will
is not united just for a quarter of an hour
but always, always.

So then, my Will is continuous communion with the soul;
so that, not once a day
but at every hour, at every moment,
it is always communion for whoever does my Will.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. 3 What must be most dear to your heart is the complete undoing of your will in mine.

SHORT READING Vol. VIII, July 26, 1908

“Obedience is the area of my dwelling in the soul. Where this area of obedience is lacking I can say there is no place for me inside that soul and I am forced to remain outside.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. VIII, October 3, 1907

G. The Will of God *makes the soul take the divine possession.

E. The Will of God *makes the soul take the divine possession.

G. But obedience is the key to open the door and enter.

E. *makes the soul take the divine possession.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. The Will of God *makes the soul take the divine possession.

Ant. of Praise While on earth, you can’t understand all the good and the love that flow between the Creator and the creature that lives in the Divine Will. (VIII, September 2, 1908)


Ant. of Praise
While on earth, you can’t understand all the good and the
love that flow between the Creator and the creature that lives in the Divine Will.

+ Lord we ask you to make us always live in the realm of your Divine Will: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ That all men will come to recognize that they depend on the Divine Will in everything: Come…

+ That we will empty our souls of everything, so that we can understand that our only need is for God: Come …

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Come …



Oh Lord our God, may we never be concerned about merits, but only about loving you, so that we will be your true children and not servants, so all our actions will always be done in your Will for your glory.
Through Christ our Lord.

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