Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 1 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Trinity


Vol. II, February 28, 1899

Oh, what a high and sublime flight
does the happy soul that lives on faith
take towards heaven!

Oh, holy virtue of faith,
you raise the soul up in God,
you give life to all the virtues
and without you, they remain lifeless.

You give us life, you sanctify us,
You spiritualize whoever possesses you.
You are the very same God.
Whoever possesses you, possesses God.

Oh, fill our hearts with faith,
most loving God of ours,
so that we can believe like Mary most holy
and follow and love you like she does. Amen.

Ant. I I don’t want you to think about the past any more.

Psalm I Vol. I, pg. 8

You should know that when a soul humbles itself,
because it is convinced that it did wrong,
it should not continue to think about the past.

When the soul is truly sorry and humbled,
after having been cleansed in the Sacrament of Penance,
it would rather die
than hurt me again.

To continue to think about the past
is an affront against my mercy,
and at the same time it hinders my love,

because I can’t make it
take its flight towards heaven in my love,
as long as it wants to keep on
wallowing in its own muddy ideas,
thinking about its past.

Can’t you see that I don’t remember any more
whatever it was that you did wrong,
now that I have perfectly forgotten about it?
Do you think I would hold it against you,
or does it seem like I am upset with you?

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. I I don’t want you to think about the past any more.

Ant. 2 The flames of purgatory can’t touch anyone who gives himself entirely to me.

Psalm 2 Vol. V, July 3, 1903

My child, why do you get upset with yourself,
when every bit of you belongs to me?

Whenever a soul reaches the point
of making me the master of its mind,
of its arms, of its heart, of its feet
and of everything else, then sin can’t dominate it.

Under the influence of my dominion,
the soul is continually being cleansed,
and if anything sneaks in
it has to leave as quickly as it came.

Then, because I am holy,
it is hard for me
to retain something that is not.

What is more, having given itself entirely
to me during this life,
it is only right
that I give all of myself to the soul at death,
admitting it without any wait to the beatific vision.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 The flames of purgatory can’t touch anyone who gives himself entirely to me.

Ant. 3 The greatest homage that can be offered to me is the desire to die in order to be united to me.

Psalm 3 Vol. IV, January 6, 1902

In reality, this strange fear of death is foolish
because every soul has the power to enter heaven,
since I gave it the “passport”
of all my merits, virtues and works.

By adding its own merits to all this,
the soul makes an unquestionable passport
and can go wherever it wants,
commanding the respect of everyone.

Then, if you are not afraid of dying,
it is because you have been with me
and have experienced just how pleasant and
precious union with God is.

I just want you to know that the most pleasing
homage that can be offered to me
is the desire to die in order to be
united to me.

This is the most beautiful disposition of the soul
that purifies it and makes it pass directly
into heaven, without waiting.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 3 The greatest homage that can be offered to me is the desire to die in order to be united to me.

SHORT READING Vol. VI, December 29, 1901

Whoever lives simply under my protection, has to undergo the gusty
winds of tribulation, so that no polluted air can enter there. This way,
the continual moving of the winds keep this polluted air at a distance and makes the soul breathe a most pure and healthy air.

G. My child, how much nicer it would be if we just thought about loving
one another. *Why do you still want to think about the past?

E. My child, how much nicer it would be if we just thought about loving
one another. *Why do you still want to think about the past?

G. So, from now on, just try to please me and you will always be at peace.

E. *Why do you still want to think about the past?

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. My child, how much nicer it would be if we just thought about loving
one another. *Why do you still want to think about the past?

Ant. of Thanksgiving Sufferings and crosses are like so many little callings that I send to souls. (Vol. VI, March 5, 1904)


Ant. of Thanksgiving
Sufferings and crosses are like so many little callings that I send to souls.

+ Holy Father, grant that your church may faithfully reflect the image of your Son Jesus in the sanctity of your Will: Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ May all men surrender to the innumerable voices of your Divine Will, with which you call them to love you in every moment: Divine…

+ May all the acts that we do in the Divine Will fill the lacks of love of all souls: Divine…

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them all its goods: Divine…



Holy Father, hear the prayer of your Son Jesus, so that through the Holy Spirit, the gift of the Divine Will may reign fully in our souls and in all mankind.
Through Christ our Lord.

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