Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 1 - Evening Prayer - Day of Mary Most Holy

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

HYMN (Queen of Heaven “Prayer to the Queen of Heaven”)

Immaculate Queen, our heavenly Mother
coming upon your motherly lap we ask you
with the greatest longings of our heart,
to let us in to live in the Kingdom
of the Divine Will.

Since you are the Queen of this Kingdom,
let us in to live in it as your children;
so that it will no longer be deserted,
but filled with your children.

We are turning ourselves over to you
most powerful Queen,
so that you may guide our steps in
the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

And while we hold on tightly
to your motherly hand,
you will guide our entire being,
so that we can live continually in the Divine Will.

We are handing our wills over to you
as our mother,
so that you will exchange them for us
with the Divine Will.

All for the glory of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever. Amen.

Ant.1 I am everything for you, so I deserve to be loved by you as I love you.

Psalm 1 Vol. 1, pg. 3

If you don’t get rid of this little world that surrounds you:
your thoughts, your fantasies and your sentimental attachments
that you have for creatures;
then I can’t fully enter into your heart
and take firm possession of it.

This constant rambling-on in your mind
is a barrier that stands in my way;
since I am a very jealous spouse.

It doesn’t let you hear my voice very clearly,
it keeps me from pouring my graces into you,
and it keeps you
from falling completely in love with me.

Promise me that you will be all mine,
and I will get right to work;
doing just exactly what I want to with you.

You are right when you tell me
that you can’t do anything by yourself,
but don’t worry about it,
I will take care of everything for you.
Just give me your will and that is all I need.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 I am everything for you, so I deserve to be loved by
you as I love you.

Ant. 2 What I have in mind for you, to manifest my work,
is not something out-of-the-ordinary.

Psalm 2 – Vol. III, May 21, 1900

What I intend to do is
absorb you into my Will,
to make you one with it,
leaving you as a perfect example
of uniformity between your will and mine.

This is the highest state attainable,
the greatest wonder of all;
it is the miracle of miracles that
I intend to make of you.

My Will will elevate you
to the possession of the most
heroic and noble virtues,
the greatest that a creature can attain.

The degree of perfection is so high for the soul
that it is reduced to nothing in my Will,
that it even operates like God.

Since its own will no longer lives within it,
it lives with the very same Will of God,
possessing the power, the wisdom, the holiness
and all the other virtues that he possesses.

The soul that reaches this point
of living only by my Will
is the queen of all queens,
and its throne is so high up,
that it even reaches the throne of the Eternal One.

It enters into the secrets of the most glorious Trinity,
and takes part in the love shared between the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Oh, how this soul is honored
by all the angels and saints,
admired by men, and feared by the demons,
who recognize in it the divine Being.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 What I have in mind for you, to manifest my work, is not something out-of-the-ordinary.

Ant. 3 Do you know why my heavenly mother’s birth encloses all of the most astonishing and unheard-of wonders in itself?

Psalm 3
Because when she was born,
she didn’t just come into the world
as the pure one, the holy one, the beautiful one,
the immaculate one of them all;
but with her was born as well
the gift of my Divine Will in creatures.

This gift had been conceived and enclosed
in this holy baby
so that it could form its own operating
and ever-growing life in her.

Just keeping my mother free from original sin
and giving her divine life,
would have been too little
for our power and wisdom.

Instead, what really drew the attention
of all the heavens and earth,
astonishing everyone,
was the birth of my Will in her.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 3 Do you know why my heavenly mother’s birth encloses all of the most astonishing and unheard-of wonders in itself?

SHORT READING Vol. 1, pg. 21

“I want to purify your soul of every little imperfection that could impede my love in you. I want to test your faithfulness to me, so that I can have you all for myself. I want to make sure that everything you have told me is true.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. 1, pg. 4

G. In order to watch over all your actions, *I am going to come along with
you wherever you go.

E. In order to watch over all your actions, *I am going to come along with
you wherever you go.

G. To direct and regulate every movement of your heart,

E. *I am going to come along with you wherever you go.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. In order to watch over all your actions, *I am going to come along with
you wherever you go.

Ant. of Praise Holy Mother, enclose the Divine Will in our souls so that it will take its primary place there, and form there its home and its throne. (Queen of Heaven, 1st Medit.)


Ant. of Praise
Holy Mother, enclose the Divine Will in our souls so that it will take its primary place there, and form there its home and its throne.

+ As we are used in the Divine Will, in order for its Kingdom to establish itself in all its fullness among us, let us pray: Divine Will, come and reign in us!

+ United to our most holy mother, with her very same prayers, her pleadings and longings, we pray: Divine…

+ That the awe-inspiring wonder of the Divine Will’s operating life may be born and grow in us just as in our most holy mother: Divine…

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Divine…



O God, in your great overflowing of love for us, you gave us the most holy Virgin Mary as our mother, grant that she may be mother of our every act as well, so that the full operating life of your Divine Will may work and grow in us.
Through Christ our Lord.

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