Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 1 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Divine Will


Prayer of Luisa

Oh holy, compassionate,
and most lovable Will of God,
I adore you, and I long to be untied to you
and live in you.

You are the most perfect order,
you are all divine love;
and you alone must be
the law of my heart.

Just like two streams
that peacefully come together
to form one river,
two drops that become just one,
and two flames that form a single light;

in this way, Jesus, make me
forget myself at all times
to make my whole will
merge with yours.

Lord, make me attentive to your every wish,
make me desire only what you desire
and long for only what you want.

In the Fiat of the Father,
in the Fiat of the Son
and in the Fiat of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Ant. 1 Jesus says: “Oh, what spiritual talks I used to have with my mother and my father, Saint Joseph, in Nazareth.”

Psalm 1 Vol. 1, pg.4

Whenever you let yourself be carried away,
I don’t like it at all.

Your mind is filled by things
that don’t concern me,
and your heart is surrounded
by a harmful dust.

This even makes you lose
the effectiveness of my grace,
which is weakened and made inactive.

Do as I did when I was in the house of Nazareth.
My mind was only occupied
with what concerned the glory of my Father
and the salvation of souls.

When I opened my mouth
it was only to talk about holy things.
With my words I tried to persuade others
to make reparation for the offenses
committed against my Father.

Then, once hearts were broken by sorrow
and softened by grace,
I attracted them to my love.

Everything we said in Nazareth reminded us of God;
everything we did was for the about him.
Why can’t you do the same thing?

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 Jesus says: “Oh, what spiritual talks I used to have with my mother and father, Saint Joseph, in Nazareth.”

Ant. 2 Keep your gaze fixed on your Jesus within you.

Psalm 2 Vol. V, June 30, 1903

My child, (says Mary) don’t cry.
Here is Jesus, your treasure,
your life, your everything.

Take him and keep him always with you;
and while you have him with you,
keep your gaze fixed upon him within you.

Don’t be embarrassed if he doesn’t say anything to you
or if you don’t know what to say.

Just look at him in your interior.
By doing so, you will understand everything,
do everything and satisfy for everyone.

This is the beauty of an interior soul
that without speaking, without being told what to do,
by simply gazing upon Jesus
easily understands everything and does everything.

This way you will walk
all the way up to the peak of Calvary,
and when you get there
you won’t see him as a child any more, but crucified;
and you will be crucified together with him.

Don’t be afraid,
just try to keep your interior gaze
fixed on him.

This is so effective
that all the other forces,
both human and diabolic,
are weakened and defeated.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 Keep your gaze fixed on your Jesus within you.

Ant. 3 Lord, I lack everything; I don’t have anything but my own

Psalm 3 Vol. l, pg. 8

Don’t be afraid. Little by little we will do everything.
I know how weak you are;
but it is from me that you will get

the strength, the constancy and the good will
to carry out everything you are told to do.

I want you to be upright in whatever you do:
keep one eye on me
and the other on what you are doing.

I want you to make all creatures disappear
entirely from your mind,
so that when they tell you to do something,
you will do it just as if
you had been told by me to do so.

This way, with our eyes fixed on me,
you won’t judge anyone;
you won’t look to see
if the thing is painful or distasteful,
easy or hard to do.

Close your eyes to what you are told to do;
and open them in me alone,
knowing that I am above you
to watch whatever you do.

Say this often: “Lord,
give me the grace to do well
what I want to begin,
continue and finish
just for you.
I don’t want to be the slave of creatures anymore.”

So that, if you walk, talk, work,
or do anything else,
you will do it for the sole purpose
of pleasing me and making me happy.

Glory be to the Father …

Ant. 3 Lord, I lack everything; I don’t have anything but my
own nothingness.

SHORT READING Vol. V, October 16, 1903

“My Will is light, and by always doing my Will, you will feed on light and convert whatever you lack, whatever keeps you sacrificed and suffering, into nourishment for your soul. The only substantial food that gives true life is my Will. Didn’t you know that when the soul continuously feeds on light, even though it may commit some defect, it is continually purified?”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. l, pg. 10

G. If you want to become something great in me, always consider yourself
nothing; *then I will pour my whole Being into you.

E. If you want to become something great in me, always consider yourself
nothing; *then I will pour my whole Being into you.

G. I will be pleased by your sincerely humbling yourself,

E. *then I will pour my whole Being into you.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. If you want to become something great in me, always consider yourself
nothing; *then I will pour my whole Being into you.

Ant. of Thanksgiving I will fuse so much love and grace into you that no one will be able to love me and desire me like you.
(Vol. IV, September 19, 1900)


Ant. of Thanksgiving
I will fuse so much love and grace into you that no one will be able to love me and desire me like you.

+ Let us pray that the Kingdom of the Divine Will will extend over all the earth with the same fullness with which it reigns in heaven: Divine Will, come and reign in us!

+ May we recognize the treasures of the Divine Will hidden in all created things: Divine…

+ May all men recognize God in his immense “I love you”, that is manifested to us in every circumstance of our lives: Divine…

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the divine Will may give them all its goods: Divine…



Lord, you who chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and immaculate before you in the Divine Will, grant us to always live in your holy Will, and so give you the divine glory that you expect from us.
Through Christ our Lord.

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