Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 3 - Morning Prayer - Day of Mary Most Holy


What virtue and power your Will has!
It is so great that it creates
a rare, precious and enchanting beauty in the soul!

The eye of the Creator
and that of all creatures,
are drawn to look at it and to love it!

Oh power of the Divine Will,
in you we want to give glory
to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Ant. 1 Let me accomplish my great designs in you.

Psalm 1 Vol. XVII, April 9, 1925

This cloud of light that surrounds you
is my Will working in you,
and your acts done in it.

The more acts that you do in it,
the larger this cloud of light becomes.

It serves as a support for me,
and it makes me look at man with the same love
that my Will created him with.

This cloud enchants my loving eyes,
and it presents me with everything
that I did for the love of man.

Such that in my heart,
compassion is born,
and in the end I have pity on man
whom I love so much.

Then, this cloud of light
serves you in a wonderful way;
it serves as a light for all your being,
it surrounds you
and makes you a stranger to the earth,

and does not allow you
to take any pleasure,
even innocent ones,
in persons or things.

It also sweetly enchants your eyes,
so that you see things according to the truth,
just as your Jesus sees them.

While it stands guard,
this cloud of light is very jealous,
to assure that you do nothing without it,
and that it does nothing without you.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. 1 Let me accomplish my great designs in you.

Ant. 2 I want you to let my Will reign in yours.

Psalm 2 Vol. XVII, April 23, 1925

I want you to know that when God created man,
he breathed life into him with his breath
and in this life he infused
an intelligence, a memory and a will
that could relate
to his Divine Will.

Once this life was formed, it was only natural
for the eyes of the creature
to look at all created things,
and know God’s order and his Will
concerning all the universe.

His ears should have heard
the wonders of this eternal Will.
His mouth should have felt
his Creator’s continuous breath
communicating to him the life and the goods
that his Will contains.

His words should have been the echo
of that eternal Fiat, narrating
what the Will of God means.

The hands should have been the expression
of the works of this supreme Will;
the feet should have done nothing but follow,
step by step, the steps of his Creator.

This is exactly what I want from the creature;
that it allow my Will to reign in its own,
and that its will serve as a dwelling for mine,
so that my Will can place in it
the heavenly goods that it contains.

Then all its acts, stamped by my Will,
will form one act alone,
and uniting to that single act of my Will,
will remain in the eternal beginning
that they came from.

This is to copy in the soul the Creator
and to give him the glory and the satisfaction
of his Will being fulfilled in the creature
as it is in heaven.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. 2 I want you to let my Will reign in yours.

Ant. 3 Whoever lives in the Divine Will is in communication with everything.

Psalm 3 Vol. XVII, August 4, 1925

Oh, if you only knew what it means
for a soul to live in my Will!
There is no separation between it and heaven.
Wherever my Will is, this soul can be found.

Its acts, its pains,
its words are in act,
and are working wherever
my Will is found.

And since my Will is found everywhere,
the soul enters into the order of creation;
and with the electricity of the supreme Will
it is in communication with all created things.

And just as all created things
are in order and harmony among themselves,
one is the support of the other,
and not even one can change its place,

so too, whoever does my Will
is in communication with everything,
and is supported by all the works
of his Creator.

Everything recognizes this soul,
they love it and they give it the electricity,
the secret of living together with them,
suspended between heaven and earth,
totally supported by that force
of the supreme Divine Will.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. 3 Whoever lives in the Divine Will is in communication with everything.

SHORT READING Vol. XVI, November 6, 1923

“Little ones let you do whatever you want to them. They don’t walk on their own but let themselves be led. On the contrary, they are afraid to take a step by themselves. If they receive some gift, they feel unsure about how to take care of it, and so they place it on their mother’s lap. Little children are not attached to anything, they don’t pay any attention to whether they are rich or poor, they don’t worry about anything. Oh, how beautiful this tender age is, so full of grace, beauty and freshness! So, the greater the work I want to do in a soul, the smaller the soul I choose.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XVII, June 11, 1925

G. The good that you lose by not doing my Will * is, for yourself, lost forever.

E. The good that you lose by not doing my Will is, for yourself, lost forever.

G. The only remedy is to enter into it again.

E. * is, for yourself, lost forever.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. The good that you lose by not doing my Will is, for yourself, lost forever.

Ant. of Thanksgiving Your road is very long, you have to cover all of eternity.


Ant. of Thanksgiving Your road is very long, you have to cover all of eternity.

+ Let us join our Fiat to our Blessed Mother’s Fiat in gratitude to God for the wonders that he worked in her: Come Divine Will, come reign in us!

+ Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, may we give an absolute Fiat to the Will of God: Come…

+ May the Blessed Virgin Mary extend her mantle of light over us and so dispel the darkness of the human will: Come…

+ Dearest Mother, with your power and love take all souls that are suffering in purgatory to heaven: Come…

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them all its goods: Come…



Oh Lord, through the intercession of our most holy Mother Mary, we ask you to extend the Kingdom of your most holy Will over all the earth so that it will return to the order and the purpose for which you created it.
Through Christ our Lord.

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