Monday, December 19, 2011

Week 3 - Evening Prayer - Day of St. Joseph

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

Oh, heavenly doctrine of the Divine Will! You are more than crystalline water, taken from the crystal-clear spring of the Divinity, more than a brilliant sun that illuminates and warms.

Clearest mirror in which the soul, looking at itself in it, so overwhelmed that it feels all the good will to purify itself of every stain.

Oh, light of the Divine Will, reveal to us ever more the mystery of God, three in one, source of eternal love. Amen.

Ant. 1 My weeping love will turn into leaps of joy from my love being satisfied.

Psalm 1
I want relief from my flames, I want to vent my love, but it is rejected by creatures.

I want you to know that when I created man, I brought out from my divinity, a quantity of my love which was to serve as the primary life of creatures, to enrich tem, sustain them, strengthen them, and to help them in all their needs.

But man rejects this love; so, ever since man was created my love has been wandering. It goes about endlessly, without ever stopping.

And as it is rejected by one, it runs to give itself to another, and as it is rejected it breaks down, sobbing and crying.

Nevertheless, I will not withdraw my love that has come forth from me; it will continue to wonder about.

Its sobbing will go on until it finds souls that take my love even to the last cent.

It will be the souls that will live in my Will that will take all the love rejected by the other generations.

With the power of my creative Will they will multiply it as much as they want, for as many creatures as have rejected me and then my sobbing will cease.

And in exchange, it will turn into tears of joy; and satisfied love will give these fortunate souls all the goods and happiness that the others didn't want.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 1

Ant. 2 To live in my Will is to return to me the joys of creation.

Psalm 2
Ah, you don't know what it means to live in my Will! It means to make the pure joys of the purpose of creation return to me, my innocent amusements, for which I created man.

It means to take away all the bitterness that the perverse human will has given me almost from the beginning of creation.

It means a continuous exchange of the human will with the Divine. And the soul, fearing its own will, lives by mine. And my Will fills the soul with joy, love, and infinite goods.

Oh, how happy I am to be able to give whatever I want to this soul, because my Will has the capacity to receive everything!

So, between the soul and me, there are no divisions any more, but stable union in working, thinking and lving, because my Will makes up for it in everything.

For this reason we are in perfect agreement, and we hold all our goods in common.

This had been the purpose of the creation of man: to make him live as our child, and to share our goods with him, so that he would be happy in everything and we would be entertained by his happiness.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 2

Ant. 3 If you want to live in my Will, you have to be completely abandoned in me.

Psalm 3
If the soul did not live totally abandoned in my Will, it would be like someone that lived in a magnificent palace, who sometimes goes out a window, sometimes goes out the balcony, sometimes goes down through the front door so that the poor thing little or in passing proceeds into some room.

So he does not understand anything about how it's run, nor the work required, nor the good things in it, nor what he can take and what he can give.

Who knows how many good things there are, and he does not understand them. So, he does not love the palace as he should, nor does he appreciate it as it deserves.

The soul's self-reflections, concerns about itself, fears and agitations are none other than windows, balconies and doors that are formed in my Will.

By going out time and again, the soul is compelled to see and feel the miseries of human life.

And since the miseries belong to the soul, and the riches of my Will belong to me, he clings more to the miseries than to the riches; so, he will neither come to love nor to taste what it means to live in my Will.

And having made the front door for himself, sooner or later he will go to live in the miserable shack of his will.

So, do you see how complete abandonment in me is necessary, in order to live in my Will?

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 3

"To live in my Will means to bring all of creation before me, and in everyone's name satisfy me for all their duties toward me. No one must escape you, otherwise my Will would find voids in creation, and would not be satisfied. And to make sure that no on escapes you, enter into my humanity, where you will finad all their acts as if in safekeeping. This way, you will find everything, and you will give me the exchange of love for everyone and for everything."

G. In the soul that lives in my Will *I don't pronounce just one Fiat, but repeated Fiats.

E. In the soul that lives in my Will *I don't pronounce just one Fiat, but repeated Fiats.

G. I repeat my Fiat, and new heavens, new suns, and new stars of love and of light are extended in it.

E. *I don't pronounce just one Fiat, but repeated Fiats.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. In the soul that lives in my Will *I don't pronounce just one Fiat, but repeated Fiats.

Ant. of Praise I love to work with little ones, because they attribute everything to me.


Ant. of Praise

+ Lord, make us always live completely abandoned in your most holy Will, so we can know your Kingdom and live in it fully, on earth as they do in heaven: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ Illuminate the minds of those who do not know you with the light of your Will, so that, knowing you, they may feel the irresistible need to love you as you deserve: Come...

+ May the knowledge of your Will spread throughout the whole world, so that the original order of creation may soon be restored: Come...

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Come...


O Father, prostrate before your Supreme Majesty, we take the love, adoration, and holiness of your Will, to offer you in every instant in the name of all creatures, the return that they should give you, for having created, redeemed and sanctified them.
Through Christ our Lord.

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