Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week 2 - Evening Prayer - Day of the Angels

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

HYMN Vol. XII, May 23, 1918

My dove, who could tell you about
the flights that you make in my Will,
the space that you cover, the air that you
breathe, the hearts that you touch,
the love that you give me!

No one, no one, not even yourself.
Only I, I alone can describe them,
because I measure the fibers of your heart.
I number the flights of your thoughts
and of your heartbeats!

Do not stop. Run, fly faster,
knock again and again, to make me be loved!
Continue to fly over; and upon your wings,
take my “I love you” to other hearts!

Then, in a single flight come into my heart,
refresh yourself and continue your flight!
I leave you the shadow of my Will,
the breath of my Will, the fire of my love! Amen.

Ant. 1 How I wish that everyone understood what true holiness is; then everything else would disappear!

Psalm 1 Vol. XII, August 14, 1917

To live in the Divine Will
means to live inseparably by God,
not to do anything by yourself,
because in the presence of the Divine Will
the soul feels incapable of everything.

It does not ask for orders nor does it receive them,
because it feels unable to go alone;
and it says, “If you want me to do it,
let us do it together; and if you want me to go,
let us go together.”

So, it does everything the Father does;
if the Father thinks,
it makes the Father’s thoughts its own,
without thinking one thought more
than the Father thinks.

If the Father looks, talks, works,
walks, suffers, or loves,
the soul also looks at what the Father looks at,
repeats the words of the Father,
works in the hands of the Father,
loves with the love of the Father
and lives not outside but inside the Father.

So, the soul is the reflection
and the perfect portrait of the Father,
which is not so for someone
who lives only resigned.

It is impossible to find this soul without the Father,
or the Father without this soul.

Not only the exterior,
but all the interior of this soul as well is seen
as it were, interwoven with the interior of the Father,
transformed, dissolved all in God.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 How I wish that everyone understood what true holiness is; then everything else would disappear!

Ant. 2 Whoever lives in the Divine Will, after having done everything, says, “I have done nothing; Jesus has done it all.”

Psalm 2 Vol. XII, August 14, 1917

Oh, how rapid and lofty are the flights of this soul
in the Divine Will!
This Divine Will is immense;
in every instant it circulates in everyone,
and gives life and order to everything.

Passing through this immensity
the soul flies to everyone, loves everyone
and helps everyone with the same love
with which Jesus himself helps and loves everyone.
Someone who lives only resigned cannot do this.

So, whoever lives in the Divine Will
finds it impossible to act alone.
What is more, it feels nausea
of its human way of doing things, even if holy.

Because in the Divine Will all things,
even the smallest, take on another aspect,
acquiring nobility, splendor, divine holiness,
power and divine beauty.
They multiply to the infinite
and in an instant they do everything.

After the soul has done everything, it says,
“I have done nothing; it was Jesus who did it.
And I am just delighted because, in spite of my misery,
Jesus has honored me by keeping me in his Divine Will
to have me do what he has done.”

So, the enemy cannot trouble this soul
with thoughts about whether
it has done well or poorly, much or little,
because it was Jesus who did everything
and the soul together with Jesus.

It is the most peaceful, not subject to anxiety.
It loves no one and it loves everyone, but divinely.
It can be said that it is the repeater of Jesus’ life,
the ringing of his voice, the beat of his heart,
the sea of his graces.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 Whoever lives in the Divine Will, after having done everything, says, “I have done nothing; Jesus has done it all.”

Ant. 3 True holiness is in the living in my Will.

Psalm 3 Vol. XII, August 14, 1917

Oh, how I want to make known to everyone
that true holiness is in doing my Will
and living in the Divine Will!

This holiness puts forth such deep roots
that there is no danger of it wavering,
because it fills heaven and earth
and finds its support everywhere.

It is firm, not subject to inconstancy
or to voluntary defects. It is attentive
to its duties, it is the most sacrificed,
detached from everyone and from everything,
even from spiritual direction itself.

Since the roots are deep, it grows so tall
that its flowers and fruit flourish in heaven;
and it is so hidden in God that the earth sees little
or nothing of this soul.

The Divine Will keeps it absorbed in itself.
Jesus alone is the life, the craftsman
and the form of the holiness of this enviable creature,
that has nothing of its own
because it holds everything in common with Jesus.

Its passion is the Divine Will;
its characteristic, the Will if its Jesus;
and the Fiat is its continuous movement.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 3 True holiness is in the living in my Will.

SHORT READING Vol. XII, February 27, 1919

“Freedom, freedom! Everyone come into my Will and you will enjoy true freedom. Outside my Will how many obstacles does the soul meet with, while in my Will it is free. I leave it free to love me as it wants; indeed I say to the soul, ‘Leave your human clothing and take the divine. I am not greedy or jealous with my goods. I want you to take everything. Love me immensely. Take, take all my love and make it yours. Take my power, my beauty and make them yours. The more you take, the happier your Jesus will be.’ ”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XI, September 6, 1912

G. I am with souls, both inside and outside of them, but who experiences
the effects? *Whoever brings his will close to mine.

E. I am with souls, both inside and outside of them, but who experiences
the effects? *Whoever brings his will close to mine.

G. Whoever calls me, prays, and knows my power and the good that I can
do to him.

E. *Whoever brings his will close to mine.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E . I am with souls, both inside and outside of them, but who experiences
the effects? *Whoever brings his will close to mine.

Ant. of Praise I want the true consummation of the soul in my Will, not imaginary but true; in a simple and practicable way.
(Vol. XI, May 25, 1913)


Ant. of Praise
I want the true consummation of the soul in my Will, not
imaginary but true; in a simple and practicable way.

+ Holy Father, grant that your Will cast its deepest roots in us, so that we can rise up to your supreme throne to adore, thank, make reparation and love you for everyone and everything: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ So that our whole life will be none other than the repetition of Jesus’ own life: Come …

+ So that the order and harmony of the Divine Will will prevail over all, and hurry the coming of the Kingdom of your Will: Come …

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Come…



O Holy Father, grant us always to live in our nothingness, so that stripped of our human will and dressed in your most holy Will, we can love you and thank you for everything and for everyone, just as you wanted us to , from the beginning of creation.
Through Christ our Lord.

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