Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week 2 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Eucharist


Vol. XII, March 28, 1917; December 27, 1918

What sweetness descends into my heart
with every love-filled word you say,
because there is no word more beautiful
than your “I love you” for me!

More than a majestic sun
your word of light rises,
illuminating the minds of men,
and inflaming every heart to love you!

It descends into hearts
and creates every good there.
It pours out graces of conversion,
it transforms, sanctifies and consumes;
everything receives life from it!

It fills the heavens and the earth
with love and with light;
everyone receives new glory and splendor;
in the unity of the light of your Will,
we give you thanks with your same word of love! Amen.

Ant. 1 Whoever lives in the Will of God receives the true, eternal communion with its complete fruit.

Psalm 1 Vol. XI, August 20, 1913

The soul that does my Will can say,
“My life is finished; the works,
the thoughts, the words that come from me
will not be mine any more.
Instead they will be the works,
the thoughts and the words
of him whose Will is my life.”

So, I say to whoever does my Will,
“You are my life, my blood, my bones;”
in such a way that the true,
real, sacramental transformation takes place –
not in virtue of the words of the priest –
but in the virtue of my Will.

As the soul decides to live by my Will,
so it is that my Will creates
my own self in the soul.

And as my Will flows in the will,
in the works and in the steps of the soul,
so many creations of mine, does it undergo.

Exactly the same thing happens
as it does with a ciborium
full of consecrated particles:
for as many particles as there are,
there are also as many Jesus’ in each particle.

So it is with the soul; in virtue of my Will,
it contains me in the whole,
and in each part of its being.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. 1 Whoever lives in the Will of God receives the true, eternal communion with its complete fruit.

Ant. 2 My Will is communion which becomes eternal in heaven.

Psalm 2 Vol. IX, March 23, 1910

My child, I urge you
not to go out of my Will,
because my Will contains such power
as to be a new baptism for the soul.

In truth, it is more than baptism itself,
because in the sacraments there is part of my grace,
whereas in my Will
there is all the fullness of grace.

In baptism, the stain of original sin is taken away,
but the passions and the weaknesses remain.

In my Will, by destroying its own will,
the soul destroys the passions, the weaknesses
and everything that is merely human,
to live by the virtues, by the strength
and by all the divine qualities.

My Will is certainly more than the sacramental communion,
which lasts a few minutes.
On the contrary, my Will
is a lasting communion, even eternal,
which becomes eternal in heaven.

Sacramental communion is subject to various difficulties:
because of sickness, or some necessity,
or on the part of whoever administers it;
whereas the communion of my Will
is not subject to any impediment.
If the soul wants it, all is done.

No one can stop such a great good
that forms the happiness of the earth and of heaven:
neither the demons, nor creatures
nor my own almightiness.

When I succeed in getting the soul to live in my Will,
I feel triumphant because this encloses
the greatest good that can exist
in heaven and on earth.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. 2 My Will is communion which becomes eternal in heaven.

Ant. 3 My Will is sacrament, and surpasses all the sacraments together.

Psalm 3 Vol. XII, December 26, 1919

Why are the sacraments called sacraments?
Because they are sacred;
they have the value and the power
to confer grace, holiness.

But these sacraments act
according to the disposition of creatures,
so much so, that many times they even remain unfruitful,
unable to confer the goods they contain.

Now, my Will is sacred and holy,
and it contains the virtue of all the sacraments together.
Furthermore, it doesn’t have to work to dispose the soul
to receive the goods that my Will contains.

As soon as the soul has disposed itself,
my Will, finding everything prepared and disposed –
even at the cost of any sacrifice –
communicates itself without delay to the soul,
pouring out the goods that it contains,
and forms the heroes, the martyrs of the Divine Will,
the most unheard-of wonders.

Then, what do the sacraments do,
if not unite the soul with God?
What does it mean to do my Will?

Isn’t it perhaps, to unite the will of the creature
with its Creator?
To lose oneself in the eternal Will?
The nothingness that ascends to the All;
the All that descends into the nothingness?

It is the most noble act,
the most divine, the most pure, the most beautiful,
and the most heroic that the creature can do.

Yes, I confirm it and I repeat it to you:
my Will is sacrament,
and it surpasses all the sacraments together,
but in a more wonderful way,
without any intermediary, without any matter.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. 3 My Will is sacrament, and surpasses all the sacraments together.

SHORT READING Vol. XII, December 22, 1920

“Just the word ‘Will of God’ contains the creative power, so it has the power to create, transform, consume and make flow in the soul great new streams of light, of love and of holiness. The creative power is found only in the divine Fiat; and if the priest consecrates me in the host it is because my
Will gave the power to those words that are said over the holy host to consecrate it. So, everything goes forth from the divine Fiat and is found in it. And if the mere thought of doing my Will soothes the soul and makes it feel strong and changed, what will happen when it does it?”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XII, June 10, 1920

G. As the soul enters my Will, *it becomes bound to my eternal Will.

E. As the soul enters my Will, *it becomes bound to my eternal Will.

G. And even though the soul does not think about it, its will does
everything mine does, and it runs together with me, for the good of all

E. *It is bound to my eternal Will.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. As the soul enters my Will, *it becomes bound to my eternal Will.

Ant. of Thanksgiving The sacrament of my Will is formed between my Will and that of the soul. (Vol. XIII, December 26, 1919)


Ant. of Thanksgiving
The sacrament of my Will is formed between my Will
and that of the soul.

+ Oh Jesus, make our trust in you become infinite, and in this way fill your heart with joy: Come Divine Will, come reign in us!

+ May the supreme Fiat become the prime mover of all of the creature’s acts: Come…

+ With our love for you in the Divine Will, grant that we may soon fill the voids of love caused by all the acts of creatures done without love: Come…

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the divine Will may give them its every good: Come…



Oh Lord, we ask you to make us always live lost in your eternal Will, so that our nothingness can ascend to the All and the All can descend into our nothingness, and so form in us the sacrament of your Will.
Though Christ our Lord.

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