Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 1 - Morning Prayer - Day of St. Joseph


Vol. V, October 25, 1903

How beautiful is the soul
possessed by grace;
so much so that God himself
falls in love with it!

Oh, how the angels and saints are amazed
at the fragrance of the heavenly perfume
of this marvelous wonder!

They find Jesus himself in it!
So it’s indifferent for them to be
up there in heaven or down here
near this fortunate soul!

Glory, honor and love
to the most holy Trinity
in their adorable Will,
source of every divine grace! Amen.

Ant. 1 Try to abandon yourself in my arms as if you were dead.

Psalm 1 Vol. I. pg. 35

Don’t upset yourself,
but rather try to abandon yourself
in my arms as if you were dead.

As long as you are looking at
what creatures say about you,
I can’t act freely upon you.

Don’t you want to trust me?
Haven’t you perhaps experienced
just how much I love you?

I want you to know that everything
I let happen to you is directed by me,
be it either by means of the demons or other creatures.

Everything is directed by me for your greatest good;
and it all tends to guide your soul
to that last state to which I have elected you.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 Try to abandon yourself in my arms as if you were dead.

Ant. 2 Don’t look at or investigate what happens around you.

Psalm 2 Vol. I, pg. 36

So, I want you to stay peacefully
in my arms with your eyes closed,
without looking at or investigating
what is happening around you.

Otherwise, you will be wasting your time,
and you will never reach that state of life
to which you are called.

As for the people that are around you,
don’t even think about them;
remain withdrawn and silent,
be kind and surrendered in all things.

Act in such a way that your life,
your thoughts, heartbeats, breaths and affections,
will all be continuous acts of reparation.

Offer these acts together with the annoyances of creatures
to appease the divine justice.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 Don’t look at or investigate what happens around you.

Ant. 3 Oh, if the world had faith, it would change into an earthly paradise!

Psalm 3
The soul that lives by faith is so shy of earthly things,
that out of fear of being trapped,
it doesn’t even look at them.

Its home is high up,
above all the things of the earth,
especially in the wounds of Jesus Christ.

From within these blessed rooms,
it moans, cries, prays and suffers
with Jesus, its spouse,
over the condition
and misery the human race lies in.

While it lives in those openings of Jesus’ wounds,
the Lord give it a particle of his virtues,
and the soul feels those virtues in itself
as if they were its own.

Yet, it knows that it possesses them
by communication from the Lord,
even though it sees them as its own.

Oh, how this soul hates sin,
but at the same time has compassion on the others,
and prays for those it sees walking the way to perdition.

It unites with Jesus Christ,
and offers itself as a victim of suffering
to appease the divine justice,
and to save creatures from the punishments they merit.

If the sacrifice of its life were necessary,
oh how readily it would do it,
even to save a single soul!

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 3 Oh, if the world had faith, it would change into an earthly paradise!

SHORT READING Vol. III, March 25, 1900
“Just as the sun is the light of the world, so too the Word of God became the light of souls when he took flesh. The sun gives light in general and to each in particular, so much so, that each person can enjoy it as if it were his own. So too, while the Word gives light to everyone in general, he is a sun to each in particular. This is so true that each person can keep this divine sun for himself as if he were alone.”

G. Oh Jesus, rest a little, and *let me suffer in your place.

E. Oh Jesus, rest a little, and *let me suffer in your place.

G. Jesus, can’t you see your very own members are lacerated?

E. *let me suffer in your place.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. Oh Jesus, rest a little, and *let me suffer in your place.

Ant. of Thanksgiving Sovereign Queen, cast our human will down to the ground with your divine command so that the seed of the Divine Will can sprout in us. (Queen of Heaven 2nd Medit.)


Ant. of Thanksgiving
Sovereign Queen, cast our human will down to the ground with your divine command so that the seed of the Divine Will can sprout in us.

+ Lord, let man establish his home in the unity of your Will so that in it he can find the true happiness for which he was created: Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ So that man will make full use of the effects that are in the holy sacraments and so acquire his original splendor: Divine…

+ So that man will let himself be completely possessed by the Divine Will: Divine…

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them all its goods: Divine…



O Jesus, it is your Will to make us one with you, as you are in the Father and the Father in you. We ask you then to make our hearts overflow with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, so that not our will any more but your Divine Will can live and reign in us.
You, who live and reign forever and ever.

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