Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 1 - Evening Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Trinity

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

HYMN Vol. II, February 28, 1899

Oh God, how incomprehensible you are!
Purest light in which I find beauty, strength,
wisdom, immensity, heights and depths
without limits or boundaries!

You are everywhere, yet you have your center!
I see you, I feel you; you are my life!
You concentrate yourself in me,
while always remaining immense
and lose nothing of yourself!

Oh most pure Spirit, you penetrate everywhere!
Your eyes see everything;
all the evils and the wickedness of men,
yet pure, holy and immaculate you always remain!

Glory and love to you, oh highest majesty,
always holy and indivisible Trinity;
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
in the unity of your most holy Will! Amen.

Ant. 1 To come to redeem man, I chose my mother because she was little.

Psalm 1 Vol. III, January 12, 1900

Knowledge of oneself without humility
is useless and harmful,
but when it conceives humility,
it is most precious.

Yes, humility calls grace;
humility breaks the strongest chains;
it overcomes any kind of dividing wall
between God and the soul and returns it to him.

Humility is a tiny plant,
but always green and full of flowers,
not subject to being eaten by worms.

Neither wind, nor heat nor hail
can damage it
or make it wither in the least.

Humility is the smallest plant,
but its branches grow so high
that they even penetrate heaven
and weave themselves around our Lord’s heart.

Only the branches that come from this little plant
are free to enter that adorable heart.

Humility is the anchor of peace
in the storms and in the waves of this life.
It is salt that seasons all the virtues
and preserves the soul from the corruption of sin.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 To come to redeem man, I chose my mother because she was little.

Ant. 2 Only I can say I am humble; in man it should be called knowledge of one’s self.

Psalm 2 Vol. III, January 12, 1900;

Humility is the little blade of grass that sprouts
on the footpath travelers use;
so when humility is stepped on it disappears,
but right away it springs up more beautiful than before.

Humility is like that tender graft,
that tames the wild plant.
It is the sunset of sin.
It is the coin of grace.

Humility is like that shrewd businessman
that knows well how to invest his money;

he does not waste even a penny
of the grace that he is given.

Humility is the key to the gate of heaven,
such that no one can enter
unless he takes very good care of this key.

Humility is the smile of God
and of all heaven,
and it is the grieving of all of hell.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 Only I can say I am humble; in man it should be called knowledge of one’s self.

Ant. 3 My Kingdom is kingdom of peace.

Psalm 3 Vol. II, July 4, 1899

My own Kingdom was in the heart of my mother,
and this is because her heart
was never disturbed in the least;

so much so, that in the unspeakable sea of the passion
she suffered immense pains;
her heart was pierced through and through
by the sword of sorrow,
but it was not troubled in the least.

Therefore, I could extend my kingdom of peace
in her without any obstacle,
and reign freely there.

One must be horrified by sin
but never troubled,
because agitation, wherever it may come from,
never helps the soul.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. 3 My Kingdom is kingdom of peace.

SHORT READING Vol. VI, May 18, 1905

“Not only does fear take the life out of love, but also when the virtues don’t have their beginning from love they too diminish the life of love in the soul.
So, love should be preferred in all things, because it makes everything easy.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. VI, January 21, 1905

G. My child, sweetness *has the power to change the way things are.

E. My child, sweetness *has the power to change the way things are.

G. It can change bitterness into sweetness very easily.

E. *has the power to change the way things are.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. My child, sweetness has the power to change the way things are.

Ant. of Praise Holy Mother, triumph in our souls with your power and make us remain in the Will of God. (Queen of Heaven 29th Medit.)


Ant. of Praise
Holy Mother, triumph in our souls with your power and
make us remain in the Will of God.

+ Lord we pray you with our continuous refrain, to make the creature return to the order, to its place and to the purpose for which it was created by you: Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ So that everyone will recognize you and correspond to you for everything that you have done for man: Divine…

+ Make our human will die completely so that we can always live in your Divine Will: Divine…

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Divine…



Oh God, you created man for the sole purpose of doing your Will. In his ingratitude though he broke away from it when he rebelled against you. So, hurry, come to tie the bond of this human will to the divine again so that we may return to our original state.
Through Christ our Lord.

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