Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 2 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Divine Will


Vol. VIII, August 10, 1908

Love never says “that’s enough!”
Even if it were to scourge the soul
and tear it to pieces,
love would never say “that’s enough!”

Love is still not satisfied unless it
reduces the soul to its nothingness,
pulverizes everything
and consumes it all!

Oh, how love’s joy is full
when it breathes its fire,
leaving nothing that is human,
and gives the soul its own form!

Oh, how the soul then delights in love,
and sinking ever deeper
into the eternal seas of Divine Will,
sings the glories of love! Amen.

Ant. 1 God is light, and by his divine light human actions acquire value.

Psalm 1 Vol. VII, September 11, 1906

All the creature’s works, words and thoughts
should be sealed with the stamp,
“For the glory of God.”

Everything that isn’t sealed with this stamp
is obscured and buried in darkness,
at best stained, and of no value.

So the creature does nothing but
give off darkness and abominable things.

By not acting for God’s glory,
the soul runs away from the purpose
for which it was created,
and it is left abandoned to itself.

When the soul does not work for the glory of God,
it remains buried in its own darkness
and does not acquire anything by its efforts;
on the contrary, it mounts up serious debts.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 God is light, and by his divine light human actions acquire value.

Ant. 2 Whoever leaves everything for love of the truth will abound in all good things.

Psalm 2 Vol. VII, September 16, 1906

The pure, bare and simple truth
is the strongest magnet that draws souls
and prepares them to face any sacrifice.

The truth is what prepared the martyrs
to shed their blood,
and gave so many other saints the strength
to remain pure and spotless,
in the midst of so many struggles.

The bare, simple, disinterested truth
is what moves creatures
to want to come to you.

How hard it is in these sad times,
to find someone who manifests this bare truth,
even among the clergy, the religious and the devout.

There is always something merely human,
some self-interest or some other thing
in what they say and do,
so the truth comes out covered and veiled.

Whoever listens to them is not touched by the bare
truth, but by their self-interest or their human ends,
and does not receive the grace and the influence that
the truth contains.

Glory be to the Father …

Ant. 2 Whoever leaves everything for love of the truth will abound in all good things.

Ant. 3 How many evils would man fall into if it weren’t for the cross!

Psalm 3 Vol. VII, Oct. 8, 1906

The cross for the creature is like the bridle
to the horse. What would happen to the horse
if a man didn’t use the bridle?

It would be indomitable and wild,
going from one pitfall to another,
even becoming harmful
both to the man and to itself.

On the contrary, with the bridle it is tamed
and walks the straight path;
it is saved from whatever danger
and takes care of man’s needs.

Such is the cross for man:
it subdues and restrains him,
and it keeps him from falling
into the way of the passions.

Oh, if it weren’t for the cross,
which God in his infinite mercy gives to man
as a bridle to restrain him;
into how many evils would
poor mankind fall!

Glory be to the Father …

Ant. 3 How many evils would man fall into if it weren’t for the cross!

SHORT READING - Vol. XIV, June 1, 1922

“I am the truth. Everything in me is truth. My patience, in the midst of so many insults, is truth. My gentle gaze, among so much mockery, false accusations and belittlement, is truth. My gentle and attracting ways, though surrounded by so many enemies, who while they hate me, I love them, and while they want to give me death, I want to embrace them and give them life, is truth. My words, full of heavenly wisdom, are truth. Everything in me is truth. ”

RESPONSORIAL ( Vol. XII, May 28, 1920)

G. The acts that are done in my Will *become light, but light that is joined
and made one with the eternal light.

E. The acts that are done in my Will *become light, but light that is joined
and made one with the eternal light.

G. What is more, they have the power to transform human acts into divine.

E. *They become light, but light that is joined and made one with the
eternal light.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. The acts that are done in my Will *become light, but light that is joined
and made one with the eternal light.

Ant. of Thanksgiving The truth is more than a majestic sun that, no matter how hard someone tries to trample it, it always rises up more beautiful than before. (Vol. VII, November 6, 1906)


Ant. of Thanksgiving
The truth is more than a majestic sun that, no matter
how hard someone tries to trample it, it always rises up more beautiful than before.

+ Oh Divine Will, joy and rest of souls, grant that all creatures may enjoy the light of the truth of your Divine Will: Come Divine Will, come and reign in us!

+ May love transform our human way of seeing things into the divine way: Come…

+ May each of our acts bear the seal of your hidden love: Come...

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them its every good: Come…



O Jesus, you are eternal light and the only truth. Come to reign in us so that by being transformed into you we can always be light that will make others know who you really are.
You who live and reign forever and ever.

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