Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 4 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Trinity


HYMN Vol. XXXV, April 10, 1938

O Jesus, I love you
in the power and the immense love of the Father,
and with the unending love
of the Holy Spirit!

I love you
as your sweet mother loves you;
I love you with the love
that the angels and saints love you with!

I love you with that love
which all creatures – past, present and future –
do or should love you with!

I love you, I bless you, I adore you,
and I thank you
in the one and eternal act
of the unity of the light
of your Most Holy Will! Amen.

Ant. I Our love reproduced our life and likeness in the depths of the creature’s soul.

Psalm I Vol. XXXV, October 19, 1937

My heavenly Father loved himself,
and in his love generated his Son.
Then, he loved himself in the Son.
I, his Son, loved myself in the Father,
and from this love the Holy Spirit proceeded.

This loving himself of the heavenly Father
generated one love, one power and holiness,
and so on with all the rest.
It bound the inseparable union
between the Three Divine Persons.

And when we created creation, we loved ourselves.
So, we loved ourselves in extending the heavens,
in creating the sun.
It was the love of ourselves that moved us to create
so many beautiful things worthy of us
and inseparable from us.

And when we created man,
the love of ourselves became more intense;
and loving ourselves in him,
our love reproduced our life and likeness
in the depths of his soul.

One can only give what he has.
And since our love was perfect, in loving ourselves,
we could not separate ourselves
from that which came forth from us.

Now, wanting the creature to live in our Will,
to form its kingdom,
our Will loves itself.
And in loving itself
it wants to give what it possesses.
And then it is content,
when it forms the repetition of our life.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. I Our love reproduced our life and likeness in the depths of the creature’s soul.

Ant. 2 The Divine Will doesn’t know how to reign, where order and
harmony doesn’t exist.

Psalm 2 Vol. XIX, August 12, 1926

God created man with three powers:
memory, intellect, and will.
He did this so that he could have
bonds of communication
with the Divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity.

These faculties were like paths to ascend to God,
like doors to enter,
like rooms to form a continuous residence
of the creature for God, and of God for the creature.

These are the royal ways of the one and of the other;
the golden doors which God put in the depths of the soul,
so that the supreme sovereignty
of the divine majesty could enter;
the secure and unshakeable room
where God was to make his heavenly residence.

In order for my Will to be able to form
its kingdom in the depths of the soul,
it wants to find these three faculties
given to the creature,
oriented to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
to elevate it to the likeness of its Creator.

My Will would not leave its domains,
if these three faculties of the soul
were oriented to God,
and its reign would be happy and as if connatural.

Because, by being oriented to God,
these three faculties would keep the order
in themselves and outside of themselves.
And the Kingdom of the Will of God
and that of the creature would not be
a divided kingdom, but one alone;
and therefore its dominion and regime
would be one and the same.

These three faculties were to serve
to understand him who had created them;
to make the soul grow in his likeness;
and with its will transfused in that of its Creator,
to give him the right to make it reign.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 The Divine Will doesn’t know how to reign, where order and
harmony doesn’t exist.

Ant. 3 We want to generate our divine Trinity in the creature.

Psalm 3 Vol. XXXVI, November 30, 1938

Our desire for creatures to live in our Will is immense.
We find ourselves in the situation of a poor mother
who feels the need to give birth, but cannot,
because she doesn’t have any
place to put her child,
anyone to entrust it to, nor anyone to receive it.

Poor mother, how she suffers!
This is how our Supreme Being finds itself.
We feel the need to generate ourselves,
but where will we put ourselves?

If our Will is not the life of the creature,
there is no place for us;
we have no one to entrust ourselves to,
no one to nourish us,
nor the attendants
which our adorable majesty requires.

And since our Most Holy Trinity
is always in the act of generating,
these births of ours remain repressed within us,
while we want to generate our divine Trinity
in creatures.

But since they do not live in our Will
there is no one to receive our divine generation.
What pain, seeing ourselves
shut up in ourselves,
without being able to carry out the great good
that our eternal generation can do in creatures!

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 3 We want to generate our divine Trinity in the creature.

SHORT READING Vol. XXXV, December 21, 1937

“My child, in the consistory of the Blessed Trinity it has been decreed that my Divine Will will have its kingdom on earth; and we will work as many wonders as necessary. We will not hold back anything, to have what we want. When we work, though, we always use ways that are so simple, yet so powerful as to sweep away heaven and earth, and all creatures in the act that we want.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XXXVI, October 2, 1938

G. Just as creation was a decree, and redemption as well, *so too, the
Kingdom of our Will is our decree.

E. Just as creation was a decree, and redemption as well, so too, the
Kingdom of our Will is our decree.

G. Our decrees are infallible; no one can keep them from being carried out.

E. So too, the Kingdom of our Will is our decree.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. Just as creation was a decree, and redemption as well, so too, the
Kingdom of our Will is our decree.

Ant. of Thanksgiving All our victory is in this: no one can keep us from doing what we want.


Ant. of Thanksgiving All our victory is in this: no one can keep us from doing what we want.

+ O Lord, make man return quickly to the order, to his place and the purpose for which you created him: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ May our memory, intellect and will always be oriented to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: Come …

+ May your eternal generation never be repressed again in creatures: Come….

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them its every good: Come…



O God, from all eternity you have decreed that the Kingdom of your Will will have its infallible fulfillment on earth. We pray you to hurry its full reign of light and love in all humanity.
Through Christ our Lord.

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