Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 3 - Evening Prayer - Day of the Passion

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father…..

Oh, how the light of your Will
transforms our will into yours,
forming just one single life,
and your light becomes life in us.

Oh, how the heat contained the light
empties and consumes everything that impedes
our becoming one with your life
to fulfill your divine decrees.

To you oh Father, to you Jesus,
and to the Holy Spirit,
be given the glory that all creatures
should give you in your holy Will! Amen.

Ant. 1 By fusing yourself in my Will you set into motion heaven and earth.

Psalm 1 Vol. XVII, January 4, 1925

The fusing of yourself in my Will
is the most solemn act,
the greatest, the most important one
of your whole life.

To fuse yourself in the Divine Will
is to enter into the realm of eternity,
embrace it, kiss it and receive
the deposit of every good
that the eternal Will contains.

What is more,
as the soul fuses itself in the supreme Will,
everyone comes toward the soul to give it
all the good and glory they have.

The angels, the saints, the Divinity itself
communicate everything, knowing that they
are communicating within that same Will
where everything is safe and secure.

What is more, when the soul receives these good things,
by its acts in the Divine Will,
it multiplies them and gives back to all of heaven
double the glory and honor.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant. 1 By fusing yourself in my Will you set into motion heaven and earth.

Ant.2 The sun of my Will wants to transform the human will into another sun all similar to me.

Psalm 2 Vol. XVII, September 17, 1924
How beautiful is the sun of my Will!
What power, what wonders!

As soon as the soul wants
to fuse itself in it to embrace everyone,
my Will changing itself into a sun,
wounds the soul and forms another sun in it.

Then, the acts that the soul does become rays
that wound the sun of the supreme Will.
The soul brings everyone together in this light,
and on their behalf loves, glorifies,
and gives satisfaction to its Creator.

What’s more, it does not do this
with human love, glory and satisfaction,
but with divine love and glory,
because the sun of my Will
has acted in it.

Do you see what it means to do your acts in my Will?
This is the living in my Will;
that the sun of my Will, transforming the human will into a sun,
acts there as in its own center.

Glory be to the Father…..

Ant.2 The sun of my Will wants to transform the human will into another sun all similar to me.

Ant. 3 Suffering makes the space in the soul for me to place my truths.

Psalm 3 Vol. XVII, June 25, 1925
My Will always wants to give itself more to creatures,
and to do so,
it wants to make itself better understood.

To make its manifestations
more stable, safe and recognizable,
it gives new pains to creatures
to better dispose them
and to prepare the space where it can place its truths.

It is always suffering , crosses,
that open the doors to new manifestations,
to more secret lessons, to the greatest gifts
that I want to deposit in creatures.

If the soul supports
my suffering and sorrowful Will without wavering,
it will make it capable
of receiving my joyous Will.

It will acquire the intellect and hearing
to understand the new lessons of my Will.

Suffering will make the soul acquire
the heavenly language in such a way,
that it will know how to repeat
the lessons it has learned.

The difficulty, however, will lie
in understanding how to live in my Will,
not in sacrificing oneself.

When souls understand
the great good they receive
by living in my Divine Will,

then the total sacrifice of everything
will be an honor for them,
they will want it,
desire it and long for it.

Glory be to the Father……

Ant. 3 Suffering makes the space in the soul for me to place my truths.

SHORT READING Vol. XVII, September 18, 1924
“This living in my Will is the greatest gift that I want to give to creatures. My goodness wants to display its love for creatures more and more. Having given them everything, and not having anything else to give them to make them love me, I want to give them the gift of my Will, so that possessing it, they will appreciate and love this great good. Don’t be surprised if you see that they don’t understand. To understand, they would have to dispose themselves to make the greatest sacrifice, which is that of not giving life, even in holy things, to their own will. Then they would feel the possession of mine, and they would really experience what it means to live in my Will.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XVII, January 4, 1925

G. To fuse yourself into my Will * is to live in it.

E. To fuse yourself into my Will is to live in it.

G. To love and give for each and for all, without excluding anyone,

E. * is to live in it.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. To fuse yourself into my Will is to live in it.

Ant. of praise How beautiful is the soul that suffers in the Divine Will!


Ant. of praise How beautiful is the soul that suffers in the Divine Will!

+ Let us give thanks to God for having given us his most holy Will as life: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ May all creatures make the life of your Will become their own heartbeat: Come…

+ Lord, spread your unending rays of divine light in all the world to form one single flock and one single shepherd under the divine mantle of your Church: Come…

+ Break down the wall of separation that still exists between the human will and the Divine Will: Come…

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brother and sisters: Come…


Oh Father, we pray that you make us cover all the roads of the eternal Will, so that we might find the acts that it did for the good of the entire human family. Let us put one of our acts in each one of its acts, to return our love, our gratitude, and our thanksgiving, for ourselves and for everyone.
Through Christ our Lord.

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