Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 4 - Night Prayer - Day of the Angels

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

HYMN Vol. XXXV, March 12, 1938

Oh, how the Divine Will dominates,
and is attentive
even over our littlest trifles,
to clothe them with its life and its light,
in order to enclose in the All
our least little acts!

What goodness! What love!
It seems like it wants to be involved
in everything the creature does.
But why?
So it can be giving all the time!

By giving it unburdens itself,
by giving it feels operative,
because it makes so many
beautiful things of itself
that love it and exalt it! Amen.

Ant. The marvels produced by someone who is newborn in time in the Divine Will, cannot be clearly understood.

Psalm Vol. XIX, March 14, 1926

Don’t be amazed if I tell you
that you are the little newborn of my Will.
My own Immaculate Mother
is the newborn of my Divine Will.

There is, however, an immense difference between
someone who is the newborn
of the Supreme Will in time,
and those who are reborn at the gates of eternity.

An example is my Queen-Mother who
was the newborn of the Divine Will in time.
And because she was the newborn of my Will,
she was formed in the likeness of her Creator,
and was able to be queen of all creation;
and as queen, she dominated everything
and her echo flowed freely in the Divine Will.

Being newborn, she had the power to make
her Creator descend upon the earth,
to dress him with her own human nature
and give him as Savior to the human generations.

With the power of the life
of the Supreme Will that she possessed,
she was able to do everything and obtain everything.
And God himself couldn’t refuse anything
that this heavenly creature asked for.

So, whoever is newborn in time in my Will,
while in exile, forms seas of grace.
And when he departs from the earth
he takes with him
all the oceans of good that the Divine Will possesses,
and so he takes God himself with him.

It is a marvel for someone to take from exile that Will;
that God who reigns in heaven.
Therefore, you can do everything I tell you,
especially, since it will be my Will to do it,
as it makes itself one with your little being.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. The marvels produced by someone who is newborn in time in the
Divine Will, cannot be clearly understood.

SHORT READING Vol. XIX, February 23, 1926

“To the newborn of my Will it was necessary, appropriate and proper for her and for our own Will, that she unite herself to that one act of the Eternal One which does not have a succession of acts. And since this one act gives to the divine being all his grandeur, magnificence, immensity, eternity, power (in a word, it contains everything in such a way that it can bring forth everything it wants from this one act), so it is that our little newborn in our Will, uniting with the one act of the Eternal One, always had to do a single act, that is, always had to be in the continuous act of being born; always doing a single act: our Will alone.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XIX, February 23, 1926

G. I surround you with so much grace, and *I am so attentive to make
sure your will does not enter into you.

E. I surround you with so much grace, and *I am so attentive to make
sure your will does not enter into you.

G. So that you may always be born in my Will, and my Will may be reborn
in you,

E. *I am so attentive to make sure your will does not enter into you.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E . I surround you with so much grace, and *I am so attentive to make
sure your will does not enter into you.

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed!

Canticle (Spiritual testament of Luisa)

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed!

Holy Father, grant that by being reborn in time in your Divine Will we may quickly leave the earth, and take with us all the oceans of good that the Divine Will possesses, for your glory.
Through Christ our Lord.

May the Lord put an end to the night of the human will, and let us rest in the divine. Amen.

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