Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 3 - Morning Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Eucharist


Eternal is your Will, oh Lord, eternal are the chains that tie us to you. Eternal are the acts in your Will that we do together with you, oh Lord.

Eternal is the spring that flows between us, and makes us inseparable from you. Oh how every act that we multiply in you gives us a greater share in your eternity.

Eternal are you in us, oh Jesus, and eternal are we in you, in the immense and infinite glory of your divine and eternal Will. Amen.

Ant. 1 Come to take possession of your every eternal good in my Will!

Psalm 1
When we created man, it was our most high Will that he had to live in our Will!

By living in it, he had to take that which is ours, to live at our expense; returning our Will with as many divine acts as human acts which he had done in our Will.

We did this to make him rich with every good that our Will contains, but man wanted to live in his own will, at his own expense; so he exiled himself from his homeland, and lost all these good things.

As a result, my goods remained without heirs. They were immense and yet no one possessed them. So, my humanity took man's place, and by always living in our eternal Will, it took possession of all the benefits which he had rejected.

I wanted to always live at its expense; to be born, grow, suffer, work and die in the eternal kiss of the Supreme Will.

And as I lived in it, so was I given possession of so many unused goods which man had ungratefully put aside.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 1

Ant. 2 Run, fly in my Will and you will soar through all of eternity with your every heartbeat.

Psalm 2
My Will is immense, it contains all of eternity! If you knew all the good that is contained in even a single word about my Will, in just one act alone done by the creature in my Will, you would be amazed.

In that act, the creature takes in hand heaven and earth. My Will is the life of everything, flowing everywhere;

and together with my Will, the soul flows in every affection, heartbeat, thought and in everything else that creatures do.

It flows in every act of the Creator, in every good that I do, in the light that I send to the intelligence; in the forgiveness that I so freely give, in the love that I send, in the love that I fill with fervor, in the bliss I give to the blessed in heaven, in everything.

There is no good that I do, nor any point in eternity, where it does not have its little place.

Oh how dear it is to me, and how I feel inseparable from it!

It is the trusted friend of my Will whom I never leave alone; so, always run in my Will, and you will experience first hand what I am telling you.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 2

Ant. 3 Always do your rounds in my Will so I may always find occasions to be able to give to you.

Psalm 3
By just living in my Will, the acts of the creature become eternal and divine because my Will is eternal and divine.

Since everything that the soul does is born of an eternal and divine Will, it cannot be other than eternal and divine. As long as the creature sets aside its human will to make room for mine, its acts, both great and small, are numbered among ours.

This happened even in creation how many things were not created, even the little seed and insect.

But for however small, you can't say that my great works were created by this supreme Will and so they are divine works, but the little ones because they are small, are not.

Now, if all created things, small or large, can be called divine works because they were created in virtue of my omnipotent Fiat,

much more so, are the acts that my Will does in the soul, which placing its will at my feet, gives my Will complete freedom to act.

If the other creatures could see a soul that gives life to my Will in itself, they would see tings never before seen.

A God operating in the tiny circle of the human will, is the greatest thing that can exist in heaven and on earth.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 3

"When the soul enters into my Will, its love and its acts filling themselves with divine virtue, make my life rise in the soul, according to how much or how little they have been done and extended. So, I am happy when I see the creatures take from me, to give me my love, my glory and even my very life. My happiness is so great that the creature while it lives in exile cannot understand it; but it will understand in heaven, when it receives in return as many divine lives as it formed on earth."

G. If you only knew how I longed for you to be born, *to make you live in my Will.

E. If you only knew how I longed for you to be born, *to make you live in my Will.

G. What graces I prepared in order to obtain my intent! From when I have been God I dreamed of this day,

E. *to make you live in my Will.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. If you only knew how I longed for you to be born, *to make you live in my Will.

Ant. of Thanksgiving When I came upon the earth I didn't occupy myself with anything but the Will of my Father.


Ant. of Thanksgiving

+ On this new day we ask you, oh Father, to let us know your divine ways, so that we can always give you the full glory which you are so worthy of: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ Like the sun that rises, make us always be re-born in your Divine Will: Come...

+ Make us live so immersed in you that we will only see your Divine Will: Come...

+ For all those who assist us, and for those who commend themselves to our prayers, that the Divine Will may give them all its goods: Come...


Oh Supreme Will, free us from the dense darkness produced by the human will so that we can breathe the most pure air of your Holy Will and so always live abandoned in it.
Through Christ our Lord.

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