Thursday, December 22, 2011

Week 2 - Night Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Eucharist

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.
E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father…..

HYMN Vol. XII, April 14, 1917

Oh, what deep roots
does the holiness of your Will
sink into the soul that lives in it,
all hidden in its God!

How stable it is, not subject to
inconstancy or to voluntary defects!
What attention to its own duties:
it is always the most sacrificed!

It rises up so high,
that its flowers and its fruits
all blossom in heaven,
and are the joy of paradise!

It holds everything in common with you, oh Jesus,
it has nothing of its own.
Its only passion is the Divine Will,
and the divine Fiat is its continuous motion! Amen.

Ant. Love has its anxieties; the Divine Will, on the contrary, is rest.

Psalm Vol. XI, April 10, 1914

Love has its anxieties,
its desires, its fervor, its restlessness;
my Will, on the contrary, is unending rest.

Do you know why?
Because love contains the beginning, the means
and the end of the work.

So, to bring a work to completion
anxieties and restlessness arise,
and much bitterness and imperfection
are mixed in with them.

And if my Will and love are not joined
little by little, poor love:
how dishonored it is,
even in the greatest and holiest works.

On the contrary, my Will works in one simple act:
the soul leaves all the activity
of the work to my Will;
so, while my Will works, the soul rests.

My Will acts in the soul, not the soul.
The result is there are neither anxieties
nor restlessness,
and the work is free from any imperfection.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. Love has its anxieties; the Divine Will, on the contrary, is rest.

SHORT READING Vol. XI, August 24, 1915

“How can those words I said when creating man, be explained: Let us make man to our image and likeness? How could the creature, so incapable, ever resemble me and be my image? Only in my Will could it achieve that, since by taking possession of it, it works in the divine way; and by repeating these divine acts it acquires my likeness, and becomes my perfect image. So, the only thing that makes man resemble me is my Will. This is why I am so interested that the creature take possession of it, and fulfill the true purpose for which it was created.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XI, April 23, 1912

G. I have everything ordered for the creature, so *the creature should
order all things for me and in me.

E. I have everything ordered for the creature, so *the creature should
order all things for me and in me.

G. True holiness, - the Divine Will - is in doing my Will; it makes all things
be in order.

E. *the creature should order all things for me and in me.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. I have everything ordered for the creature, so *the creature should
order all things for me and in me.

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed!

Canticle (Spiritual testament of Luisa)

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed!

Oh Father, together with Jesus let us embrace all creatures in your Will, to give them your embrace of love and to take them to your divine bosom so that you may receive the love and the adoration that everyone should give you.
Through Christ our Lord.

May the Lord put an end to the night of the human will, and let us rest in the divine. Amen.

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