Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 4 - Evening Prayer - Day of the Most Holy Trinity

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

HYMN Vol. XXXV, October 12, 1937

Please, don’t deny me your company!
Let us live life together
in such a way that whatever I do you will do!

My love makes me feel the need
to live heart to heart,
indeed, to live by a single heart with you!

Please, don’t deny me your company!
I know you need many things
in order to live together with me,
but don’t be afraid.

I will take care of everything!
I will dress you in my royal robes of light.
I will gird you with my power!

I will make a display of my love to you.
I will make the life, the love of my Will
flow in your most intimate fibers!

No, don’t deny me your company!
It’s enough for you to want it,
and it’s done! Amen.

Ant. 1 Though I am in heaven I can do all that I would have done while being visibly present on earth.

Psalm 1 Vol. XIX, June 6, 1926

My redemption was to serve
for planting the tree of my Will.
Then watered with my blood,
cultivated and hoed with my sweat and unheard-of pains,
and fertilized with the sacraments, it was to first develop, then flower,
and finally bear the heavenly fruits of my Will.

But the course of my thirty-three years
was not enough to make these precious fruits ripen,
nor were creatures prepared or disposed
to eat such a delicate food
which I gave to all of heaven.

So, I contented myself with planting the tree,
leaving every means possible
to make it grow beautiful and gigantic.

And at the proper time
(when the fruits are about to reach maturity,
so that they might be picked),
I choose you in an all special way,
to make known to you the good it contains,
and how I want to raise the creature to its origin again.

Putting aside its dominion of its will,
(which caused it to fall from its happy state)
the creature will eat of these precious fruits.
And they will delight in it so much,
enough to take away all the infection
of the passions and of its own will,
and to restore to me the dominion of my Will.

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 1 Though I am in heaven I can do all that I would have done while being visibly present on earth.

Ant. 2 The divine order makes everyone ask for the same thing.

Psalm 2 Vol. XX, February 5, 1928

My child, when Adam sinned,
God made him the promise of the future redeemer.
Centuries passed, but the promise did not fail
and mankind received the good of the redemption.

Now, as I came from heaven
and established the kingdom of the redemption,
before leaving the earth,

I made another more solemn promise
of the coming of the Kingdom of my Will
in the prayer of the Our Father.

And to make sure that this kingdom could be obtained,
I made this formal promise
in the solemnity of my prayer,
praying the Father to make his Kingdom come
and that the Divine Will
be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I wanted to place myself at the head of this prayer,
knowing that this was the Will of my Father.
I knew that he would not have denied me anything
I asked him,
especially since I was praying with his own Will
and asking him for something he himself wanted.

After having formulated this prayer
before my heavenly Father,
confident that he would have granted me
the Kingdom of my Will upon the earth,

I taught it to my apostles
so that in turn, they might teach it to all the world,
and there would be one cry from all:
“Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven!”

I could not have made
a surer or more solemn promise.
The centuries for us are as a single point,
and our words are accomplished acts and works.
So, centuries have passed,
but the Kingdom of the Divine Will
will certainly come.

My Divine Will is bound and committed
in those words of the Our Father,
and when my Will gives its word
it cannot break its promise,

especially since I myself prepared everything.
The only thing left to do
are the manifestations of my kingdom,
and I am already doing this.

If I am manifesting so many truths about my Fiat,
it is not just to give a report on it. No.
It is because I want everyone to know
that its kingdom is near and that they appreciate
its beautiful qualities and privileges,
so that everyone will long for,
and yearn to enter in and to live in such a holy kingdom,
so full of happiness and of all good things.

So, what seems so hard to you
is very easy for the power of our Fiat,
because it knows how to remove all the difficulties
and conquer everything
when it wants and how it wants.”

Glory be to the Father…

Ant. 2 The divine order makes everyone ask for the same thing.

Ant. 3 To live in our Will is a gift which our generosity wants to give to the creature.

Psalm 3 Vol. XX, April 30, 1932

Humanly speaking, it is true
that the creature cannot yet envision
how to live in my Will
and how its kingdom can be formed upon the earth.
It is as though the creature
wanted to touch heaven with its finger;
but what is impossible for men is possible for God.

You must know that the living in our Will is a gift
that our generosity wants to give to the creature.
With this gift, it will feel transformed:

from poor it will become rich, from weak strong,
from ignorant learned, from slave of base passions
to gentle and voluntary prisoner of an entirely holy Will
that will give it free dominion over itself,
over the divine domains and over all creatures.

This gift was given to man
when he was first created,
but he ungratefully rejected it by doing his own will.
Now, as he disposes himself to do our Will,
he prepares to get back this great and infinite gift.

Our truths about the Fiat,
will help and will prepare the creature
in a surprising way to receive this gift:
and what he has not obtained as of today,
he will be able to obtain tomorrow.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. 3 To live in our Will is a gift which our generosity wants to give to the creature.

SHORT READING Vol. XX, May 26, 1928

“My daughter, for the redemption to come, four thousand years were required because the people that prayed and longed for the future redeemer were the smallest, of a very restricted number: instead the souls that belong to my Church form more people and are of a number, oh, far greater than that. So the number will shorten the time, especially since the religion is making its way everywhere; and this is none other than the preparation to the Kingdom of my Divine Will.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XX, May 26, 1928

G. When I formulated the Our Father, *I put myself at the head of this
kingdom, and I assumed the commitment to give it.

E. When I formulated the Our Father, I put myself at the head of this
kingdom, and I assumed the commitment to give it.

G. All the Church prays; there is no soul that belongs to it that does not
recite the Our Father.

E. I put myself at the head of this kingdom, and I assumed the
commitment to give it.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. When I formulated the Our Father, I put myself at the head of this
kingdom, and I assumed the commitment to give it.

Ant. of Praise I will have my kingdom on earth so that my Will is done on earth as it is in heaven. (Vol. XXXVI, October 2, 1938)


Ant. of Praise I will have my kingdom on earth so that my Will is done on earth as it is in heaven.

+ O God, shorten the time: make your Will quickly reign sovereign with its Supreme Fiat: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ May everyone come to know the goods, the beauties and the marvels of the Kingdom of your Will: Come…

+ May the precious fruits of the redemption quickly reach their full maturity in the Kingdom of your Divine Will: Come…

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Come…



Holy Father, we ask you nothing but what you yourself want, and what your Son, Jesus, taught us: Hurry the coming of the glorious Kingdom of your Will so that it reigns on earth as it does in heaven.
Through Christ our Lord.

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