Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 3 - Night Prayer - Day of the Passion

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father…..

HYMN Vol. XVII, July 29, 1924

Oh Lord, what is this support
that gives you so much comfort and rest?

I know: it is all the acts
done in your Will,
that make this support
for you and for us!

It is so strong that it can bear
the weight of heaven and earth,
and give you true rest.

Yes, these acts done in your Will
join heaven and earth;
and they contain the divine power
that is able to support a God. Amen

Ant. The “I love you” toward me is everything!

Psalm Vol. XVII, August 2, 1925

The “I love you” is love, it is devotion;
it is esteem, it is heroism, it is sacrifice
it is trust to the one whom it’s given to.

The “I love you” is to possess
he who embraces the “I love you”.
“I love you” is a little word,
but it weighs as much as all eternity.

The “I love you” encloses everything
and involves everyone.
It spreads itself out, then draws together;
it reaches to the heights and it descends into the depths;
it leaves its mark everywhere,
and its movement never ceases.

Its origin is eternal,
in the “I love you” the heavenly Father generated me,
and in the “I love you” the Holy Spirit proceeded.

In the “I love you” the eternal Fiat made all of creation,
and in the “I love you”
it pardoned guilty man and redeemed him.
So, in the “I love you”, the soul finds everything in God,
and God finds everything in the soul.

Therefore the value of the “I love you” is infinite.
It is full of life and energy,
it never tires, it overcomes everything
and triumphs over everything.

So I want to see and hear
this “I love you” for me
on your lips, in your heart,
in the flight of your thoughts,
in the drops of your blood,
in your pains and joys
in the food you eat – in everything.

The life of my “I love you”
must be very long in you, and my Fiat,
that reigns in you,
will seal yours with the divine “I love you”.

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. The “I love you” toward me is everything!

SHORT READING Vol. XVI, March 22, 1924

“I was able to rest because you surrounded me with the shadows of my works, my Fiat and my love. This is the rest that I referred to after I had created everything; and since man was the last to be created, I wanted to rest in him, that is, in the virtue of my Will operating in him. By forming my shadow in him, it would have made me find my rest and the completion of my works; but this was denied me because he did not want to do my Will.”

RESPONSORIAL Vol. XVII, February 15, 1925

G. Each act in my Will * is a new creation that extends itself over the head
of the soul.

E. Each act in my Will is a new creation that extends itself over the head
of the soul.

G. This shouldn’t surprise you because it is the eternal activity of the Divine
Will that unfolds in it.

E. * is a new creation that extends itself over the head of the soul.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. Each act in my Will is a new creation that extends itself over the head
of the soul.

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed!

Canticle (Spiritual testament of Luisa)

Glory be to the Father….

Ant. Blessed is the soul that lives in the Divine Will; all generations will call it blessed!

Holy Father, unite all our acts to that one single act of your supreme Will, so that they may flow together in that eternal beginning from which they come forth and in this way your Will will come to reign on earth as it does in heaven.
Through Christ our Lord.

May the Lord put an end to the night of the human will, and let us rest in the divine. Amen.

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