Saturday, December 17, 2011

Song of Thanksgiving for Divine Praises

Blessed is the Lord God, in his Will,
because he has visited his church to glorify her,

and he has opened the doors of his Kingdom to us
in the person of Luisa, his daughter.

Just as he had promised
through all his saints, his prophets and his Son:

to save us from our will,
and from the power of the devil, the world and the flesh.

In doing so, he has shown mercy to the human family
and has remembered the promise of his kingdom:

the promise made by Jesus, our Lord,
in the solemnity of his own prayer,

to glorify him without the fear of the human will,
living in his Will on earth as in heaven.

And you, children, will be called sons of the Most High;
and living in the Divine Will,
you will prepare his entrance into hearts,

to give his Church the knowledge of his Will,
freeing her from the human will.

Thanks to the merciful goodness of our God,
the triumph of the supreme Fiat will come forth
as the sun that rises,

to give life to those who are in the darkness
and the shadow of death of the human will,

and to guide our steps along the eternal ways of his Will.

Glory be to the Father...

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