Sunday, December 18, 2011

Week 3 - Evening Prayer - Day of the Divine Will

G. Oh God, come to reign in us.

E. Lord, let your Will come quickly.

Glory be to the Father...

Oh, how your love will bring the dawn of the era of your Divine Will, the new era of greatest benefits for this fortunate generation.

The seas of your Will will overflow; they will rise up and sweep away everything; their gigantic waves will roll out - the waves of your immense Will.

Your Will will no longer be hidden; it will make itself seen and touched by everyone; and whoever tries to resist the current will run the risk of losing his life.

Glory and love to you, O Eternal Father, to your Son, and to the Holy Spirit, in the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat among creatures, the new era of your Divine Will. Amen.

Ant. 1. Let me reign, and give me full liberty.

Psalm 1
The greater the work I want to do, the greater the preparations that are necessary.

How many prophecies, how many preparations, how many centuries preceded my redemption?

How many symbols and figures foretold the conception of my heavenly mother?

Once the redemption was accomplished I had to reaffirm man in the benefits of the redemption.

So, the apostles, as renewers of the fruits of redemption, were to seek out fallen man to save him with the sacraments.

So, redemption means salvation; it is to save man from whatever ruin. But to make the soul live in my Will is much greater than redemption itself.

Now, to live in my Will is not only salvtion, but it is holiness which must rise above all other forms of holiness, and bear the mark of the holiness of man's Creator.

So one must first achieve the lesser forms of holiness, which are like forerunners, messengers, and preparations for this Holiness that is completely divine.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 1

Ant. 2. The soul must absorb an entire God in its act.

Psalm 2
I want everything that you do to be in continuous act in my Will. I want your thoughts to walk in my Will, so that by walking above all human intelligences, you will extend the mantle of my Will over all created minds.

And rising up to the throne of the Eternal one, you will offer all human thoughts marked with the honor and glory of my Divine Will.

Then, extend the mantle of my Will over all human eyes and over all their words, walking as it were, with your eyes and your words over all theirs,

Sealing them with my Will, and rising up again before the Supreme Majesty to offer him homage, as though everyone had made use of their sight and speech according to my Will.

So, in your work, in your breath, in your heartbeat, let your walking be continous, because your path is very long: you must go through all eternity.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 2

Ant. 3. The act done in my Will carries in itself the creative power.

Psalm 3
How great is one act done in my Will! I you were to ask the sun, "How many seeds have you made fertile, how many have you multiplied since you rose above our horizon?"

Neither the sun, nor any other creature could ever tell you the number of seeds it has made fertile, nor how many it has multiplied.

Now, one act done in my Will is more than the sun, which multiplies seeds - not human but divine - to the infinite.

A new change is happening in the spiritual world: a harmony that attracts everyone. The more disposed are warmed up in hearing the harmony; thousands and thousands of effects arise like so many seeds.

And since an act done in my Will carries within it creative power, it makes those seed fruitful in a way the human mind cannot grasp.

More than the sun, they make them fruitful, and not only that, but the create the seeds and multiply them to the infinite.

These acts done in my Will give me the opportunity to make new creations. They put my power into motion; they are the bearers of the divine life.

Glory be to the Father...

Ant. 3

"Agitation is none other than a lack of abandonment in me, and I want you to be so abandoned in my arms that you don't even have a single thought for yourself. I will take care of everything. Don't be afraid, your Jesus can't help but take care of you and defend you from everything. You cost me a lot; I have a put a lot into you. I alone have rights ove you. So, if the rights are mine, your care will be all mine. So, be at peace and don't be afraid of anything."

G. Peace is *the springtime of the soul.

E. Peace is *the springtime of the soul.

G. I, the Prince of Peace, am true peace.

E. *the springtime of the soul.

G. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

E. Peace is *the springtime of the soul.

Ant. of Praise Oh, how beautiful it is to see a soul enter into my Will!


Ant. of Praise

+ Let us glorify the Most Holy Trinity in the name of all creatures, as we pray: Come Divine Will, come to reign in us!

+ May the seed of your Divine Will, which we have received in baptism, bear abundant fruit in us: Come...

+ May your Divine Will reign in all mankind so that everyone will enjoy your peace: Come...

+ May the light of the Divine Will embrace all our agonizing and deceased brothers and sisters: Come...


Oh Father, grant that we fuse ourselves in your Will to re-establish the union that existed between the Divine Will and the human will in the Garden of Eden before it was broken by the creature through original sin.
Through Christ our Lord.

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