Saturday, December 17, 2011

Song of Praise for Divine Praises

My sould glorifies the Lord,
and my Spirit is so happy in his Fiat,
which is everything from me;

all because he looked upon my nothingness.
From now on all generations will recognize
his Reigning Fiat in me;

because of the astounding wonders of his love
that the Almighty has worked in me;
and oh, how holy is his Fiat.

From one generation to the next his kingdom
extends itself among those of good will.

He has shown the power of his Fiat,
he has scattered the proud
in the reasoning of their own will.

He has reduced the powerful to nothing,
he has given the power to those who are nothing.

He has filled the little ones with every good thing,
he has sent the learned away, confused.

He has come to the rescue of the Church, his spouse,
remembering his mercy,

Just as he promised he would to the saints, to Luisa,
and to her descendants, forever.

Glory be to the Father...

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